
2009-02-20 8:13 pm
After reviewed, we only consider the upfront interest from 3% reduce to 1%($7,000), but remain unchange, pls follow & we still hold this application until to this saturday

在險查, 我地只係考慮個預付的利息由3%減小到1%,但係剩下既就更改唔到, 唔該跟進同埋我地仲延期呢個檔案直到呢個星期6

回答 (2)

2009-02-20 11:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
May be this is not an answer, but I want to rewrite the english part I believe it's not 100% correct:
After reviewed, we reconsider the upfront interest from 3% reduced to 1% ($7,000), but the others remain unchange, pls follow up & we will hold this application valid till this saturday.
After reviewed, we only consider the upfront interest from 3% reduce to 1%($7,000), but remain unchange, pls follow & we still hold this application until to this saturday
參考: Own
2009-02-20 8:21 pm

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