part time marketing degree

2009-02-20 8:11 pm
F.7畢業, 工作了年半, 期間進修取得high dip, 黎緊想plan讀part time degree

讀degree的話, 比較想讀Marketing, 但high dip唔係讀呢範....

想知有沒有讀marketing part time degree的過來人
哪間U有開marketing part time degree and有什麼要求?
幾多錢? 有無資助?

回答 (2)

2009-02-23 6:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you may try PolyU SPEED

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations / 巿場營銷及公共關係文學士

Entry Requirements
For admission to the programme, applicants should possess a Higher Diploma or an Associate Degree in business related disciplines or equivalent.

Applicants from non-business disciplines may be considered, but will be required to take bridging courses as designated by SPEED prior to admission.

Applicants who do not possess the above-mentioned qualifications but have reached the age of 25 at commencement of study may also apply. Mature applicants should possess relevant working experience at supervisory/managerial positions and prior post-secondary studies in related fields. Applicants will be required to provide a portfolio on their organizational involvement, leadership and professional experience, and demonstrate their ability to complete the programme to the Admission Committee at an interview; and
(i) pass an admission test; and
(ii) have an appropriate level of English language competence such competence would be demonstrated by at least grade E in HKCEE English (Syllabus B) or equivalent
2009-02-28 12:57 am
你有無諗過係香港讀英國大學課程 - Marketing
獲得的學位同當地一樣(無寫住Oversea learning)
而且係有HON – 榮譽畢業
而學費就係香港價仲有政府註冊 Around 60k, 可以問政府免入息貸款



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