thumbs down at ass hole 中文點解?

2009-02-20 6:52 am

"People thumbs down at ass hole a few down below me...great video =)"

這句 You-tube 對白點解 ?

thumbs down 點解架?

I copy down from a Youtube response and I want to know the meaning. Thank Whatiswhat for you help :P

回答 (2)

2009-02-20 11:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案 pictures for you)
thumbs up <---- 稱讚to praise,喝采 bravo, ( ho yeah ar papapapappa in Cantonese)

thumbs down <----- disapproving 不贊成;不同意
thumbs down
1. a sign of disapproval. The board gave our proposal a thumbs down. The administration's tax bill got a thumbs down in Congress.
2. disapproving; negative. It was thumbs down, and I was disappointed. The thumbs-down decision was a victory for good sense.
to give someone/something a thumbs down<-----------
"People thumbs down at ass hole a few down below me...great video =)"( a sentence full of mistakes)<----------------------


1) people = plural " thumb" can be used as a verb, but

It is incorrect to say people(plural) + thumb(verb)+ an" S" <------------- Mistake here!

2) a few WHAT? a few inches/feet?

3) asshole(s)<------ one word meaning " bastards", " disgusting people", " scum bags" here.

Your sentence can be rewritten as follows---

People gave the assholeS a thumbs down - a few inches below me( a joke here).
Great movie!/What a great movie!

The writer thinks it is a great movie because people gave those
disgusting guys a thumbs down.

a thumbs DOWN<--------------------- The writer made a joke of " down"

2009-02-20 15:33:41 補充:
the ( ass+holes)<------- one word here
2009-02-20 7:04 am
1.People thumbs down at ass hole a few down below me...great video


2.thumbs down-下來拇指

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