
2009-02-19 7:50 pm

回答 (2)

2009-02-24 4:08 am
樓上位人兄答左.套息交易我就唔重複, 不過亦都係因為呢個原因, 所以日元被稱為避險貨幣, 意思係當個市前景唔明朗資金會流向日元而令到日元高企, 而家答你既時候日元回番少少, 不過中線黎睇日元仲會升番, 所以投資同去日本玩, 而家可以買番少少
2009-02-20 3:10 am
I just try to answer:

1) The settlement of carrytrade: EURJPY, AUDJPY, NZDJPY, GBPJPY. All of these carrytrade bring high interest return to the investers. The invester borrow JPY from the bank with low interest rate and invest to buy a high interest rate currency -- EUR, AUD, NZD, GBP. They can obtain a nearly no risk interest. When JPY currency rise up, the invester will settle the carrytrade immediately to pay back the JPY loan, the increase of demand rise up the JPY.

2) Some investers invest in stock market by using the carrytrade interest difference. When the stock market drop and near their break even point. They will settle the stock and carrytrade together to keep their profit if they can handle luckily.

3) So, usually, dropping of stock market may bring a big settlement in carrytrade which making JPY rising up seriously.

Just for sharing.
參考: Myself

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