請問可以幫一幫我譯做英文嗎? 15分

2009-02-19 6:20 pm


回答 (4)

2009-02-19 8:04 pm
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Secondly (呢個接返你上一篇的「Firstly」), uncertainty of economic environment has a great influence on business operation. When global economic downturn happens, company needs a contingency plan to prepare for those foreseeable drawbacks such as decreasing sales and turnover, rise of raw material prices and credit contraction. Contingency plan is indeed an effective way to counter the situation of economic crisis but it is also essential to strengthening the competitiveness of a company. During economic boom, problem of hiring occurs in small companies because it lacks plentiful salary package and welfare which, on the other hand, large companies can provide. (註:「而工作量又遠低於中小企」其實睇公司作風同工作崗位(如中環金鐘某些大會計師樓...), 小弟認為不能一概而論) Comfortable working environment and low working hours in large company also make small company less attractive and so the candidates would not prefer to work and stay in small company. In this condition, contingency plan is essential for the executives to relief the problem of labour shortage. For example, when the company is abundant in vacancies, the executives should consider promoting internal staff or adjusting the offered salary to draw more candidates.
2009-02-20 1:37 am
Next is the environment uncertainty. When the global economic becomes more and more bad time, the company needs to use the special method, deals with the question for example business volume which the company will face in the future to fall, raw material value rise, the bank will resist to lend money and so on. Not only the special method can apply in the economical bad aspect, the economy turns for the better the aspect also to be able to apply greatly. Because time economical change for the better the company often has certain difficulty in the employment advertise aspect, because the big company provides the wage and the welfare small company are many, but the work load is also far is lower than the small business, such registrant then lacks the motive to work in the small business. This time the special method then can help the question which the management solution manpower is insufficient. For example works as the related position sudden vacancy, then immediately appoints another person makes up or when the employment advertise to adjust the position the monthly salary to use to attract more registrant to be subject to duty.
參考: me
2009-02-19 8:19 pm
With the uncertain factor of environment and the decreasing of finance internationally, our company needs some "special method" to face the problems such as decreasing of business turnovers, incresing of raw materials & shrinkage of bank loans.
The "special method" not only in accordance with poor financial situation but also sounded when situation turns good.
When finacial situation turns good, we'll face another problem; recruitment, since larger size company offers higher salaries & with least works than mid size company, so applicants will ignore the latter for sure.
Then, the "special method" works, and help the management to solve the problem about shortage of employees, such as to promote qualified employees to replacing the senior vacancies, if any. This will also adjust, mainly increase the salaries when the new & up-graded post is effected.

2009-02-19 12:24:10 補充:
3rd line - increasing of raw material COSTS
Last paragraph - ... qualified employees to REPLACE the ........
參考: self
2009-02-19 7:36 pm
Followed by environmental uncertainty. When the global economy becomes even worse when companies need to use special methods to meet the company's future will have to face the problem, such as business turnover fell, the rise in the value of raw materials and banks refuse loans. Special methods are not only used in the economy deteriorates, the economic turn for the better can also of much help.
Because when the economy picks up in recruitment companies often have a certain degree of difficulty, because of large companies provided wages and benefits are smaller companies and it was much lower than the workload of SMEs, so that candidates will be a lack of motivation to work in SMEs . At this point can help the management of special methods to solve the manpower problem. For example, when sudden vacancies in the posts immediately appoint another person to fill or adjust positions in the recruitment of a monthly salary to attract more candidates to apply.

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