✔ 最佳答案
This is not a hack to avoid activating installations. If you plan to reinstall XP on the same hardware, you can back up the activation status and then restore it after you reinstall and avoid the activation process. (I think it applies in your case so it is here for you). A typical status looks like here:
Directory of C:\WINDOWS\system32
09/21/2005 08:28PM 12,584 wpa.bak
02/14/2006 09:05AM 12,642 wpa.dbl
1. Back up wpa.dbl and Wpa.bak to a floppy disk (they are only small) in the folder %systemroot%\system32.
2. Start XP to Minimal Safe mode.
3. Change directory to go to the %systemroot%\system32 folder.
4. Rename the newlycreated wpa.dbl to wpa.nonactivated and wpa.bak, if it exists, to wpabak.nonactivated.
5. Copy your backed upwpa.dbl and wpb.bak files from floppy to the system32 folder.
6. Reboot.
2009-02-20 11:34:28 補充:
Sorry, Yahoo shot this through before I finished. Please insert:
Re install XP between the first and second steps.
I had a lot of trouble trying to condense the original text into this one 'cause of text size. Wish Yahoo could allow more room for us.