Cover letter grammer cheak

2009-02-19 8:05 am
Thank for checking my grammar of this cover letter. I did my best already. hopefully, someone can help me a bit .

I feel interesting about educational job as to be a capable assistant. At 2006, I graduated Newcomers High School in New York; during the HS year; I was active member of school's basketball team, and also at my senior's year; I assisted many HS processes; plus became a tutor for helping freshmen. At 2007 I attended Queens Borough Community College’s Chinese culture club. Inevitably, I became to be a voluntary tutor for assisting the Chinese kindergarten children's homework assignments.

回答 (2)

2009-02-20 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thank for checking my grammar of this cover letter. I did my best already. hopefully, someone can help me a bit .<--

I feel interesting about educational job as to be a capable assistant. At 2006, I graduated Newcomers High School in New York; during the HS year; I was x active member of school's basketball team, and also at my senior's year; I assisted many HS processes; plus became a tutor for helping freshmen. At 2007 I attended Queens Borough Community College’s Chinese culture club. Inevitably, I became to be a voluntary tutor for assisting the Chinese kindergarten children's homework assignments.

I have already done my best to write this cover letter. Please kindly correct it for me .
Hopefully someone will point out my grammatical mistakes.

All grammatical mistakes and unnatural sentences are in blue.

I am VERY interested in educational jobs, so I would like to be
a capable assistant. In 2006, I graduated from Newcomers High School in New York.During my high school years, I had been quite active on my school basketball team till my senior year.
I also attended many functions and became the freshmen's tutor.
In 2007, I joined the Chinese cultural club at Queen's Borough Community College and became a voluntary tutor, helping the
Chinese kindergarten children with their homework( assignments).

1) very interested in <-------------- ( add " very" here to show your enthusiasm)
2) jobs<------ countable nouns

3) to take part in some activities or to attend some functions
4) Try not to use short forms in cover letters
5) to help someone with something( more natural)
6) assignments = homework<-------- here
assignments ( countable) homework( uncountable)

2009-02-19 17:59:43 補充:
In 2007, I joined the Chinese Cultural club **

2009-02-19 18:01:47 補充:
In 2007, I joined the Chinese Cultural Club**
參考: 8866666666666666666666
2009-02-19 8:35 am
I am interested in educational job, and want to become a capable assistant. In 2006, I graduated fromNewcomers High School in New York . During the High School year and my senior’s year, I was an active member of school's basketball team. I assisted many High School processes, and also became a tutor for helping freshmen. In 2007, I attended Queens Borough Community College ’s Chinese culture club. Eventually, I became a voluntary tutor for assisting the Chinese kindergarten children's homework assignments.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 14:07:18
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