After winter comes spring?要倒裝?

2009-02-20 2:05 am
Time flies! After winter ________ and it's another new start.
(A) spring comes (B) comes spring

A 不可以嗎?
一般倒裝句 倒裝 (1)地方副詞 (away/down/off/here/ on the desk..)
(2) Only if .../only when...
(3) 否定副詞 放句首
(4) So adj./such+N放句首
After winter是時間副詞呀???? 也要倒裝?
若說沒有逗點 朗文字典的例句中
After the performance there was applause.也沒有用逗點呀

有人說是因為 come after兩字並用
特殊句型的關係 是嗎?
那Before winter fall comes.就不用倒裝嗎
After winter fall disappears.就不用倒裝嗎
煩請高手給予指點 感謝不盡

試想 若是國中生.或國中老師看到這樣的中文 "在冬天後, 春天來臨" 他們應該會翻 After winter, spring comes. 而此題是否要考像是格言 After a storm comes a calm. 這樣的說法 所以A 在"考試中" 應該要加逗點才可選 是嗎? 這是我目前得到的結論 懇請指教


google就是有搜索過找不到答案才會在這裡問 我對nung 大大的答案很困惑ㄋㄟ~ 從沒聽說過After +n 會當句子的主詞 若有 可否提出證據?

回答 (4)

2009-02-24 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
一個類似的句子:After Anne comes George I.安女王之後繼任者的是喬治一世
這種倒裝句並不是強制性的〔可倒裝,也可不倒裝,倒裝只是用來突顯主題〕.其實這句也可以寫成George I comes after Anne.不過焦點就成了George I這個主詞了.倒裝之後after Anne占了主詞的位置,這個介系詞片語就成為焦點,也就是在句子的順序讓它成為焦點,變得比較重要,全句的關係仍保持不變,after Anne在句之中是當主詞補語,補不完全不及物動詞comes意思的不足,因為和時序有關,屬副詞性質.只是和主詞交換位置而已,目的在將句子的訊息結構由〔自然結構〕改成〔突顯結構〕.原主詞不可再和動詞再交換一次位置,所以寫成spring comes不對.這是英語語法的邏輯.
把補語提前:Strange people they are!
把受詞提前:What I'm going to do next I just don't know.

2009-02-23 18:19:27 補充:
仔細想想,如果和Strange people they are這句相比,好像After winter sping comes也是可以的.只是找遍手邊資料,沒有可以用來佐證come這個動詞也可以這樣寫的,只有after winter comes spring這種.看來這個問題,只好暫時存疑吧!

2009-02-23 22:06:13 補充:
終於查到不能把Here comes Freddy!說成Here Freddy comes!的規定.
參見〔整個動詞在主語之前〕之說明:牛津英語用法指南(牛津大學出版社,第二版,ISBN 0-19-590902-X)第422頁 條目299 inversion 倒裝(2)

該頁還有說明:如果主詞是〔代名詞〕,倒裝時則主詞放在動詞之前,應說成Here she comes.但不能說成Here comes she.

因此可以說明為什麼不能說after winter spring comes.因為spring不是代名詞,所以不能放在動詞之前.
2009-02-20 4:58 pm
Time flies! After winter ________ and it's another new start.

(A) spring comes (B) comes spring


A 不可以嗎? (不可以)

After winter是時間副詞?

No, not here; "After winter" is used to identify a period of time,which takes the position of subject in the sentence. "Comes" is better translated into 帶來 than來臨, and spring is the object of the short sentence. Therefore, the pattern: Subject-verb-object is completed.

After winter(two words used as subject) comes(verb) spring(object)

However, if a comma is placed between winter and spring, such as: "After winter,spring comes",then "after winter" is used as an adverb. In that case,

After winter, spring comes = Spring comes after winter

若說沒有逗點 朗文字典的例句中

After the performance there was applause.也沒有用逗點呀

It should be:
After the performance, there was applause (= There was applause after the performance).
So, it might be a mistake in the dictionary?

有人說是因為 come after兩字並用

特殊句型的關係 是嗎?

那Before winter fall comes.就不用倒裝嗎

After winter fall disappears.就不用倒裝嗎

I am sorry, but are these two real examples you found somewhere?
They look strange. Should they be:

Fall comes before winter? Fall disappears before winter?

"在冬天後, 春天來臨"
他們應該會翻 After winter, spring comes. (This is correct)

After a storm comes a calm. 這樣的說法(This is correct too)

所以A 在"考試中" 應該要加逗點才可選 是嗎? (You are right)
2009-02-20 4:06 am
我想 comes spring 是在強調 come , 來的一定是 spring, not anything else. If use spring comes, 就像其它東西 may come also.
參考: self
2009-02-20 3:34 am
after winter comes spring 和 after winter spring comes 都是一樣的喔^^



參考: 外文系生

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