Who do you prefer: Shihouin Yoruichi or Soi Fon?

2009-02-19 3:40 am

回答 (11)

2009-02-19 3:58 am
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Yoruichi. She's cool! I was really surprised when she took her human form. Because she was a cat! I all along thought that the black cat was actually a guy.. Haha! And it was funny when she transformed in front of Ichigo...

Soi Fon isn't to my liking. I feel that she seems kinda boring. But her ability to stab a person in the same spot twice to poison them and then end their life is truly amazing.
2009-02-19 3:47 am
Yoruichi, without a doubt! Soi Fon is really cool too though, but I feel that Yoruichi has more of a personality to her. ^^ (She's even Soi Fon's idol!)
2009-02-19 5:37 pm
Soi Fon annoyed me for some reason . x0
2009-02-19 5:47 am
Yoruichi! She's way cooler than Soi Fon, which is why even Soi Fon idolizes her. She's the Queen of Shunpo, and no one has surpassed her yet. Even Byakuya is second to her. And she's got a nicer personality than Soi Fon and can transform into a cat
2009-02-19 3:46 am
Yoruichi of course, although Soi Fon is not that bad :)
2009-02-19 3:43 am
Yoruichi ftw
2009-02-19 5:11 pm
參考: KM
2009-02-19 12:18 pm
Shihouin Yoruichi
2009-02-20 7:34 am
Soi Fon
2009-02-19 1:19 pm
Soi Fon.

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