YuUkI-ToKuNaGa'S rAnDoM aNiMe SuRvEy #17!!!?

2009-02-19 2:23 am
So what cha doing ^_^
Meh ish eating a bagel if you wanna know!!!


*throw bagel at you*
mwahahahahaha >=D

anywayzzz .... >.>""""

1)Which subject is easier for you to learn:biology or math??

2)IF you could throw a cow at any of these anime character,who
would it be???
a)Monkey D.Luffy

3)AHHHH!!! Jelly monster is destroying your hometown oO"""
what would you do in that situation???
a)eat the JELLY monster
b)whistle and walk away
c)faint =.="""
d)AHHHHHH....scream and run around in circles

4)Which is THE MOST boring anime show to watch???

5)WOAH! You're principle is dancing like a chicken!!!
What would you do???
a)go and dance with him/her
b)record it and post it on youtube
c)walk away
d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!

which do you prefer:MAL or Y!A???

have a nice day
Yuuki-Chan =P

回答 (24)

2009-02-19 1:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
>> Hello Yuuki ^_^

So what cha doing ^_^
Meh ish eating a bagel if you wanna know!!!


*throw bagel at you*
mwahahahahaha >=D
>> *catches* *EATS* XDDD Yayyyy!

anywayzzz .... >.>""""

1)Which subject is easier for you to learn:biology or math??
===> Biology! I hate maths, I'm terrible at it T_T

2)IF you could throw a cow at any of these anime character,who
would it be???
a)Monkey D.Luffy
===> B. Naruto. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA >:D >:D >:D

>> *Naruto running around being hyper*
>> Krystal :: *throws cow at him*
>> *Naruto dies*
>> *Whole of Konoha cheers!*

3)AHHHH!!! Jelly monster is destroying your hometown oO"""
what would you do in that situation???
a)eat the JELLY monster
b)whistle and walk away
c)faint =.="""
d)AHHHHHH....scream and run around in circles
===> B. LOL Hum hum hum...

4)Which is THE MOST boring anime show to watch???
===> Ai Yori Aoshi... Boring typical harem romance. Every episode is like yawwwwwn, and you don't feel attached to the characters at all, like you would in a romantic shoujo.

5)WOAH! You're principle is dancing like a chicken!!!
What would you do???
a)go and dance with him/her
b)record it and post it on youtube
c)walk away
d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!
===> B. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL... Would be so wierd, my headteacher is so straightedge and normal.

which do you prefer:MAL or Y!A???
===> Y!A. ^_^

>> staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarr <<
2009-02-19 4:57 am
1)Which subject is easier for you to learn:biology or math??
===> Maths

2)IF you could throw a cow at any of these anime character,who
would it be???
a)Monkey D.Luffy
===> Naruto

3)AHHHH!!! Jelly monster is destroying your hometown oO"""
what would you do in that situation???
a)eat the JELLY monster
b)whistle and walk away
c)faint =.="""
d)AHHHHHH....scream and run around in circles
===> a) I feel hungry atm...

4)Which is THE MOST boring anime show to watch???
===> The ugly yet beautiful world. Bored me to sleep.

5)WOAH! You're principle is dancing like a chicken!!!
What would you do???
a)go and dance with him/her
b)record it and post it on youtube
c)walk away
d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!
===> c)

which do you prefer:MAL or Y!A???
===> Y!A
2009-02-19 3:04 am
So what cha doing ^_^ Just on Y!A
Meh ish eating a bagel if you wanna know!!!


*throw bagel at you*
mwahahahahaha >=D

anywayzzz .... >.>""""

1)Which subject is easier for you to learn:biology or math??

2)IF you could throw a cow at any of these anime character,who
would it be???
a)Monkey D.Luffy

3)AHHHH!!! Jelly monster is destroying your hometown oO"""
what would you do in that situation???
a)eat the JELLY monster
b)whistle and walk away
c)faint =.="""
d)AHHHHHH....scream and run around in circles

4)Which is THE MOST boring anime show to watch???

5)WOAH! You're principle is dancing like a chicken!!!
What would you do???
a)go and dance with him/her
b)record it and post it on youtube
c)walk away
d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!

which do you prefer:MAL or Y!A???

have a nice day
Yuuki-Chan =P
2009-02-19 4:18 am
O.O.................I think you have contracted "Shiro-Chan Syndrom"!!! Oh no!

1)Which subject is easier for you to learn:biology or math??
===>I got the same grade in both......I'll just go with math to simplify things. V.V

2)IF you could throw a cow at any of these anime character,who
would it be???
a)Monkey D.Luffy
===>B). and D). Let us hope Sesshomaru is strangling Naruto at that very moment.

3)AHHHH!!! Jelly monster is destroying your hometown oO"""
what would you do in that situation???
a)eat the JELLY monster
b)whistle and walk away
c)faint =.="""
d)AHHHHHH....scream and run around in circles
===> C). .....-_-

4)Which is THE MOST boring anime show to watch???
===>Death Note.........seriously now.

5)WOAH! You're principle is dancing like a chicken!!!
What would you do???
a)go and dance with him/her
b)record it and post it on youtube
c)walk away
d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!
===>C). That kind of stuff used to happen at my highschool All The Time. -_-

which do you prefer:MAL or Y!A???
===>Y!A.........I can't get onto MAL and I also refuse to have another account.......Y!A takes up too much of my life as it is! TT.TT

nya nya
2009-02-19 2:34 am
1)Which subject is easier for you to learn:biology or math??

Biology. Math hypnotizes me.

2)IF you could throw a cow at any of these anime character,who
would it be???
a)Monkey D.Luffy

Naruto. I don't know why.

3)AHHHH!!! Jelly monster is destroying your hometown oO"""
what would you do in that situation???
a)eat the JELLY monster
b)whistle and walk away
c)faint =.="""
d)AHHHHHH....scream and run around in circles

d. Only you have to add "waving my hands wildly and screaming, "Jelly monster! Jelly monster!"

4)Which is THE MOST boring anime show to watch???

Maybe I just don't understand it, but .hack is as good as math.

5)WOAH! You're principle is dancing like a chicken!!!
What would you do???
a)go and dance with him/her
b)record it and post it on youtube
c)walk away
d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!

e.) Boogie. (Remember: your principal is your pal.)

which do you prefer:MAL or Y!A???

MAL. Maybe. What is it?
2009-02-19 5:57 am
1)Which subject is easier for you to learn:biology or math??
===> Biology. Numbers bore me....

2)IF you could throw a cow at any of these anime character,who
would it be???
a)Monkey D.Luffy
===> Naruto. Hopefully he awakens the cow's never seen before carnivorous side and gets eaten. Haha!

3)AHHHH!!! Jelly monster is destroying your hometown oO"""
what would you do in that situation???
a)eat the JELLY monster
b)whistle and walk away
c)faint =.="""
d)AHHHHHH....scream and run around in circles
===> Faint. And be saved by any of my anime kareshis.... *hopefully*

4)Which is THE MOST boring anime show to watch???
===> Hmm.... so far nothing has bored me but it'd be that anime I guess, Bobobobobo or whatever.

5)WOAH! You're principle is dancing like a chicken!!!
What would you do???
a)go and dance with him/her
b)record it and post it on youtube
c)walk away
d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!
===> D. Posting it on youtube could get me into serious sh_t, otherwise I would do that.

which do you prefer:MAL or Y!A???
===> YA!!!! =)
2009-02-19 2:47 am
So what cha doing ^_^
Meh ish eating a bagel if you wanna know!!!
I'm going to steal your bagel. VIVA EINSTEIN'S!

*throw bagel at you*
mwahahahahaha >=D
Thanks! What kind is it?
anywayzzz .... >.>""""

1)Which subject is easier for you to learn:biology or math??
===> Biology. I hate math and I can't count.

2)IF you could throw a cow at any of these anime character,who
would it be???
a)Monkey D.Luffy
===> Naturo. Belive it!

3)AHHHH!!! Jelly monster is destroying your hometown oO"""
what would you do in that situation???
a)eat the JELLY monster
b)whistle and walk away
c)faint =.="""
d)AHHHHHH....scream and run around in circles
===> I'd do D at first, but all the running would make me hungry...

4)Which is THE MOST boring anime show to watch???
===>Naruto when it gets all serious. I like comedy.

5)WOAH! You're principle is dancing like a chicken!!!
What would you do???
a)go and dance with him/her
b)record it and post it on youtube
c)walk away
d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!
===>A mixture of B and D

which do you prefer:MAL or Y!A???
===> YA!!!!

have a nice day
Yuuki-Chan =P
Your welcome! Congrats on being voted best answer on mah princess survey!
2009-02-20 1:53 am
what kinda bagel ish you eating?

*catches bagel and begins to eat it, Yuuki runs after me with fork, I give it back*

1)Which subject is easier for you to learn:biology or math??
===> I'm not in bio this year, you know that

2)IF you could throw a cow at any of these anime character,who
would it be???
a)Monkey D.Luffy
===> Naruto. Then maybe I would live in Yurinaland, a place not plagued by question reading, 'So what happened in episode 82374091283471 of Naruto?' I don't freaking know, people! These questions destroyed my respect for Naruto! Just like they did Twilight!

3)AHHHH!!! Jelly monster is destroying your hometown oO"""
what would you do in that situation???
a)eat the JELLY monster
b)whistle and walk away
c)faint =.="""
d)AHHHHHH....scream and run around in circles
===> What flavour of jelly is it? Cuz I'd only eat it if it were a good flavour :P

4)Which is THE MOST boring anime show to watch???
===> Ehem... What anime have I just been ranting about?

5)WOAH! You're principle is dancing like a chicken!!!
What would you do???
a)go and dance with him/her
b)record it and post it on youtube
c)walk away
d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!
===> B!!!!

which do you prefer:MAL or Y!A???
===> MAL
2009-02-19 1:28 pm
1)Which subject is easier for you to learn:biology or math??
===> Math, I have never been good in science subjects

2)IF you could throw a cow at any of these anime character,who
would it be???
a)Monkey D.Luffy
===> d)Sesshomaru

3)AHHHH!!! Jelly monster is destroying your hometown oO"""
what would you do in that situation???
a)eat the JELLY monster
b)whistle and walk away
c)faint =.="""
d)AHHHHHH....scream and run around in circles
===> b)whistle and walk away

4)Which is THE MOST boring anime show to watch???
===> Zettai Shounen

5)WOAH! You're principle is dancing like a chicken!!!
What would you do???
a)go and dance with him/her
b)record it and post it on youtube
c)walk away
d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!
===> d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!

which do you prefer:MAL or Y!A???
===> MAL... Y!A used to be my fav place to hang out but I can a lot of information about anime/manga on MAL... =)
2009-02-19 8:27 am
:::: Hiii~!! ^^
What am I doing? ... I'm relaxing after finishing an essay... >.> psshh I like poetry, but doing an entire 6 paragraph essay on a single sonnet can get kinda boring/hard/etc. >.> xDD

1)Which subject is easier for you to learn:biology or math??
===> O.O both are kinda easy to learn.. let's say MATH! 'cause math is cumulative, so some of the stuff you kinda know from before, depending. Though science is easy too since you also know a lot from before... uggghhh I'm confusing myself! xDD You see, my fave subjects are science and math.. but right now I like math more than biology (took that last year -- taking chem now)...

2)IF you could throw a cow at any of these anime character,who
would it be???
a)Monkey D.Luffy
===> B) Naruto. Naruto loves food... he'd probably hold a barbecue right there. And I might be able to eat some of it! xDD hopefully, and assuming he doesn't eat it all.

3)AHHHH!!! Jelly monster is destroying your hometown oO"""
what would you do in that situation???
a)eat the JELLY monster
b)whistle and walk away
c)faint =.="""
d)AHHHHHH....scream and run around in circles
===> A) I love jello! and jelly. similar. kinda. anywaaayzz... I would eat it. unless the jelly monster is a flavor I don't like. Or unless the jelly monster is too big -- I don't want to get fat! O.O -- so I'd just eat the critical parts like his head/etc. or something.

4)Which is THE MOST boring anime show to watch???
===> Generally I stay away from the reputed "boring" series... but I heard the Bobobo something (forgot how many bo's there were... just that there were a lot) anime was really lame...

5)WOAH! You're principle is dancing like a chicken!!!
What would you do???
a)go and dance with him/her
b)record it and post it on youtube
c)walk away
d)just stand there and watch the whole thing!
===> O.O
C. I'd rather not see that.

which do you prefer:MAL or Y!A???
===> Y!A -- I don't have an MAL account yet, though. MAL is really useful, however -- especially its huge databases for anime/manga series and characters.

:::: byeeezz~! ^^
thank you -- and "have a nice day" to you too!
參考: (:

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