幫我轉佢做英文... plz...

2009-02-19 7:12 am
我地曾經開心過,,傷心過 ;笑過亦哭過

回答 (4)

2009-02-20 7:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
I hope you will always remember that I have once been etched in your heart.
我地曾經開心過,,傷心過 ;笑過亦哭過
We have laughed, cried, tasted happiness and sorrows together.

I will love you so much forever and ever.
2009-02-19 8:49 pm
Hope you never forget that once you owned me.
We've been through happiness, sadness, laughing and crying,
I will love you till the end of the day.
Sweet memories. But remember, tomorrow is another day.
Cheers !
參考: self
2009-02-19 8:26 am
I wish (Wishing that) I could be a part of your memory, as we had gone through those ups and downs with laughs and tears. I'd be loving you forever!

2009-02-19 00:29:37 補充:
希望幫倒你!!! 希望你會開心d!!
2009-02-19 7:40 am
I wish I will always be on your mind.
We laughed together, we shed our tear; we've been through the ups and downs, and I will love you forever...!!

2009-02-18 23:40:52 補充:
亂碼... = =

...; we've been...

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