2009-02-19 6:17 am


仲有ECON 主要讀D咩 唔好咁空泛 講D教育局既廢話出黎

最好就有D 師兄分享下啦

回答 (1)

2009-02-21 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
i study econ and geog in ce and i study econ in al.
i would like to share my experience with you.

Undoubtedly, ce econ is easy to get a gd grade.
If u do spend effort, getting a credit will be no problem
However, al level econ requires a lot of understanding and the schedule is very tight. You have to learn a lot of things in a short time.
Besides, whether ur teacher is good or not matters a lot.

ce geog is comparatively difficult.
dun choose geog unless u find it quite interesting.
Unless u study things in science stream, e.g, pure maths, phys, bio....
other subjects,Econ and geog, will not enable u to hv more choices in U.
Science students can also study econ and geog in U

Econ is divided into micro and macro
Micro is about individual behaviour,
e.g demand and supply
Macro is things about the society in a whole
e.g national income, external trade

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