中二英文 .............. 唔該

2009-02-19 2:47 am
1 ) Siffix : 幾時用 ion , ment , 同 ness ? 有咩字係有+呢D野嫁 ?

2 ) 幾時用 because , 幾時用 because of ? 有咩句子係有+呢D野嫁 ?

3 ) 幾時用 hope , 幾時用 wish ?有咩句子係有 + 呢D野嫁 ?

4 ) 最後 , 有冇咩網有呢 D 野 GE 練習 ?

5 ) thx

回答 (1)

2009-02-19 6:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Suffixes
1.1) ion (act or state of)
e.g. dictation, perfection, confusion, sanction制裁
1.2) ment (state or quality, act of doing)
e.g. refinement, excitement, replacement, movement
Here is a great website for you below.
2) 幾時用 because, 幾時用 because of? 有咩句子係有+呢D野嫁?
- I love her because she is special. <--- because = conjunction; she is special = a clause即子句
- I passed my final exam because of you. <--- because of (someone)
- He could not come to my party because of his illness. <--- because of (something)
3) 幾時用 hope , 幾時用 wish? 有咩句子係有 + 呢D野嫁 ?
Wish is most commonly used in hypothetical (or imagined) situations:
I wish I were a man. (I am a girl.)
I wish my father were here. (He is not with me now.)
I wish you a Merry Xmas!
I wish you luck!
I wish you all the best!
I wish to see you. <--- Desire (at the moment)
I hope to see you again. (future)
I hope (that) you will come to my party. I hope (that)... (future tense)
I hope you come to my party this Friday. I hope + present (refers to the future)
I hope (that) you had a good time with him. I hope + past tense (some time in the past)
A website for you
4) Exercises for you
http://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/220.html ( because; because of)
5) You are welcome. (welcome = adjective) .^_^.


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