舊的特區護照過了期, 美國簽証在舊到期是2015年

2009-02-18 8:47 pm
我想問可以怎辦, 因我媽媽7月會去美國,

回答 (5)

2009-02-19 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
如新舊護照上名字係絕對一樣的話. 新舊 2本帶晒去得 ka lak. 我親身用過. 美國領事館直頭唔建議 D 人去續 visa 落新 passport 道 ka. 佢地太多人做證. 直情唔想你冇啦啦去整 tim
2009-02-19 5:21 am
2009-02-18 8:55 pm
2009-02-18 8:52 pm
首先你媽媽先要換領新的特區護照, 當領取到新的特區護照後, 需帶同新及舊的特區護照往美國領事館辦理美國簽證.
2009-02-18 8:51 pm
Please take the old passport with you and go to get a new visa from the American Consulate.

You have to get application form on the internet, prepay the fee, then make appointment on the internet, then go to American consulate at the designed time. Visa will normally be available in days.

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