
2009-02-18 2:30 pm
Bachelor of Architectural Science 同 Bachelor of Architectural Studies 有咩分別?
加拿大邊間大學最好 ?(I live near toronto but it's ok if it's far)


回答 (1)

2009-02-19 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實呢兩名都係同一樣嘢, 只不過每間大學都喜歡用佢地源用開嘅名, 冇乜法例規定要個名係乜嘢, 如果要真正知道佢地嘅科啱唔啱你; 你就要入去佢地嘅課程內容睇吓啱唔啱你.
Bachelor of Engineering (B. E. ), Bachelor of Applied Science (B. A.Sc.)都係同一樣嘢.
Bachelor of Commerce (B. Comm), Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A), Bachelor of Mananagement Studies (B.M.S.) 都係嗰啲嘢, 可能內容有少少唔同, 但基本上都係一樣.
如果你住近多倫多, 而想讀 Architecture 嘅, 首選University of Toronto 啦, 當然 Ryerson University 都有 Architecture 讀. 至於 UT 收唔收你就睇你有幾高分喇.

2009-02-24 03:43:52 補充:
如果妳住近多倫多又係想讀一間出名 Architectural Science, 咁都唔駛點揀-University of Toronto.

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