What if god only made the world?

2009-02-17 8:05 pm
And everything else just happened...

Ok proof of all the planets in the know universe that we have seen very very few acually have habitable contitions on them if there was no "divine plan" would there be habitable planets everwhere?

回答 (10)

2009-02-17 8:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You mean like Ty's secret projects on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition"? Yeah, I can picture God screaming at a handheld video camera.
2016-05-26 8:37 pm
In ancient times some women got together and decided to create a new recipe. They had a natural pot carved out of rock where the hot springs would boil up. They gathered the most unique and rare type plants and foraged for nuts and berries. All ingredients were thrown into the pot, and let stew for a couple of hours. A noxious smell began to waft upon the wind, and a great green slimmy shape arose from the bubbling brew. The women were taken aback by the grissly sight, and were soon overcome by the noxious smell. Early the next morning when they come too, they all started babbling in strange languages, and laughing hysterically. They started chanting - Gunky Odd Dude, Gunky Odd Dude - and the rest is history. Even though the god was a womans creation, men stole it from them and went from there.
2009-02-17 10:58 pm
That would be sweet.
2009-02-17 9:12 pm
By God's Devine will anything is possible.
God could have spoke the world into existence and let everything evolve from there. If that were the case then God still created everything.

There was a tree that was cut down by loggers in the woods, and left behind from this tree was a stump. One day two people approached and as they did so they became tired. Seeing the stump, they decided to sit and rest. Next to the stump on the ground was a pocket watch. The person closest to it picked up the watch and fathomed at its intricate design. The watch was truly perfect every gear, spring, and cog fit together with remarkable precision. The person said that this watch has truly been crafted by a skilled watch maker. The other person took the watch and looked at it for some time. The statement that the second person claimed was this "this is just like every other watch I have ever seen. There is nothing special about this watch. It ticks, it winds up, and it winds down. This watch was probably made in a factory by machines with hundreds of other watches."
One believed that the watch was made by a factory that mass produced and that it was worthless, mocking the other person's judgment. The first person kept that watch. He had it appraise and it was valued at over $1,000.00. This watch was special it was a Gorgeous Antique Hamilton 12 Size 23 Jewels Grade 922 Solid 14K White Gold Case with Sterling Silver Dial Circa 1937.

The point that was argued was always how it was made and who it was made by.

Neither one of them ever suggested that the watch fell into place. That someone left a bag of mechanisms and the wind blew and knocked it off and it fell in to place. The watch had a designer and a purpose. Each piece was needed and worked in unison with the other pieces.

That was a long way of answering your question. What I am going to end this with is God is the "watch maker" and whether he put each piece together or had the pieces put together by some other means. He is still the designer and He did create everything.
2009-02-17 8:23 pm
What if I made the world? There's just as much evidence of *that* as there is of some god making it, so it's just as valid to believe.

Evidence, my friend. If you want to say god made the world, show some evidence.

2009-02-17 8:14 pm
that would be deism
2009-02-17 8:09 pm
Kirby is God? LOL!
2009-02-17 8:08 pm
that would be sweet
2009-02-17 8:08 pm
What if Kirby is God?
2009-02-17 8:08 pm
What if the world made god?

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