what is the time difference between vancouver canada & london england?

2009-02-17 4:04 pm

回答 (8)

2009-02-17 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
London, England is 8 hours ahead of Vancouver, Canada.
2009-02-17 4:12 pm
Vancouver in Canada is 8 hours behind London in England
參考: My world clocks on my phone
2016-11-09 9:43 am
Vancouver Time Difference
2016-03-13 7:47 pm
England is a small country. Canada is huge. England has a more moderate climate; has more culture, more history; a very varied and beautiful natural landscape despite its smaller size. Our politicians are marginally less revolting then Harper. we have a much better public transport system
2015-08-17 5:06 am
This Site Might Help You.

what is the time difference between vancouver canada & london england?
參考: time difference vancouver canada london england: https://shortly.im/BqAbW
2009-02-17 5:52 pm
London time is GMT
Vancouver time is GMT-8

so the difference is 8 hours...Vancouver behind by 8 hours.
2009-02-17 5:28 pm
8 hrs
2009-02-17 4:12 pm
London is 8 hours ahead of Vancouver.
2009-02-17 4:11 pm
Vancouver is 8 hours "behind" London

ie: 1200 midnite in London is 4 in the afternoon in Vancouver

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