Do you live or been to Canada please tell me whats it like?

2009-02-17 9:57 am
Hi I'm Adam Davis and this maybe to long for you ,and i am thinking schooling in Canda and if i want to go i must enter by the 26th of Febuary (THIS MONTH!!) please i really ,really want to go but i can't till i know whats it like because there is no point going when you don't know whats the Climate, Nice, Fun etc. Please answer this tell me everything about it this does not mean you have to tell your priate stuff. is it cold up there or does it go hot because i kinda like the heat than cold i know there be snow but when like is it in winter or spring etc. and also what kind of cars do they have up there like very very expenise cars or just bunch of stupid cars like a Lada, Morris Mainia etc. I live in Austialia vry close to the coast. is it good to ride your bike up there and also is there much mountain bike riding tracks? please i'm begging you everything about it please thank you and also sorry for very long to read for you. and if you can give me websites tells me about Canada thank you LOTS if you answer this question

回答 (11)

2009-02-17 3:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Canada is the 2nd largest nation in the world. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the United States Border in the south as well as spanning North America from the Atlantic ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. There are large urban centres separated by miles and miles of nothing. There is manufacturing and farming there is forestry and mining there is fishing and tourism. people drive everything from toyota's to luxury SUVs. There are hot dry summers and long cold snowy winters.

You really can't get a complete answer to your question because there's just too much here to describe.
2009-02-17 1:22 pm
You can't just decide that you want to study in Canada at the last second. You will need a study permit which takes more time to get than you have before the 26th of this month.
If you want to learn about Canada's climate, do your own research as it's too big a subject to cover on Yahoo! Answers.

If, after you've researched the climate in Canada, you decide you still want to study here, you will have to apply to and be accepted by a university or college. You will have to take that letter of acceptance along with proof that you would be able to support yourself financially while you're here and present that to immigration officials. You will also need to purchase supplemental health care insurance as foreign students are not eligible for provincial health care. There is a lot more, of course, but I think you can see that it will take a lot longer to get all that than the paltry amount of time you've given yourself before you feel you must be here.
2009-02-17 4:10 pm
you have to narrow your possibilities a bit as other say its a big country. BC is an area of mountains, ocean and a mountain bike/ski/board paradise. The largest city there is Vancouver. see The area of Whistler seems to have a lot of Aussies there and a popular spot for your countrymen to visit.
Cars here are probably same as Oz... GM, Fords, Mazdas, Toyotas lots of SUVs and pick up trucks especially in rural areas. Smart cars and hybrids more popular in big cities. \

Climate varies more than australia, generally west coast is mild summers, mild winters and the rest of the country has quite cold winters and hot summers.
try and scroll down to "vistors" and "about"
2009-02-17 10:01 am
You need to be more specific because Canada is a big place and I dont think anyone is going to describe all of it.
2009-02-17 11:56 pm
your a doosh google it adam
2009-02-17 6:46 pm
The first thing I would ask you is how old are you? I hope I do not offend you, but from the way you are writing, I would guess you are in junior high school.

The reason I am asking this is because if you are under the age of 18, you do not often see students from other countries coming to Canada to study at the high school level. It is normally at the university level.

I am not sure what you mean by "...I must enter by the 26th of February..." Do you mean you need to apply by then for the fall semester? If you were hoping to just come to Canada and start school in late February or early March, it is not going to happen! There are all sorts of forms to fill out, get accepted into a school, get a student visa, get a flight, place to stay, etc.

Here is what I suggest:

First, narrow down your choice of school based on what you can afford, what school offers the better programs, or where you want to live while in Canada. Canada is about 25% larger than Australia. If you ask someone from Perth and someone from Cloncurry (in Queensland) what Australia is like, you will probably get different answers. Same goes for Canada.

Next, give more details to people in Yahoo! Answers what your interests are, what you like to do in your spare time, etc. Then you can ask about the weather in the area you plan to go to, the crime rates, how easy it is to make friends, etc.

All I can tell you right now even though you wrote a lot in your message was that Canada has much colder weather than Australia in winter, we tend to be less hot in summer, we drive all types of cars but the most common are Hondas, Toyotas, Hyundais, Mazdas, and many of the American cars from GM, Ford, or Chrysler. Biking is a big pastime here in Canada and some cities have lots of bicycle paths for you to use. People are generally nice and friendly, and girls here will really like your Australian accent.
2009-02-17 6:35 pm
Go to Vancouver, it will suit your lifestyle the best.
2009-02-17 6:06 pm
If you're looking for a place with good schools and good weather/climate, car selection and mountain bike/trails, I'd recommend Vancouver.

Vancouver - on the western coast of Canada, milder winters than the rest of Canada (we had a lot of snow this year, but it's very atypical). Today's high is 7 deg. C with a bit of sun. Summer time averages around 24 deg. C. Not too hot in the summer and not too cold in the winter. We have tons of trails within and outside the city for biking and hiking. You'll see a lot of Japanese and European cars in Vancouver (ie. Honda, Mazda, BMW, Benz, Volks Wagon, etc). In terms of universities, we have UBC and SFU, both very good schools.

One thing that Vancouver might fall short of Montreal and Toronto would be our public transportation system. We have skytrains and buses, but the transportation system is not as good as those in Montreal and Toronto.

anything else you want to know?
2009-02-17 3:30 pm
As far as I can tell, it's a lovely country. Cold though, at the moment. :P

But it IS just a country. If you don't know anything about it, why move there?
2009-02-17 12:45 pm
i lived on the east coast for a year, it was very quiet but the people are brilliant. you should go

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