
2009-02-18 5:45 am
The leader of the brass section is the French horn. But when it was first made nobody used it indoors because it sound harsh. In France the nobility used the horn during hunts and made up special codes to signal each other. It was even used by the night watch to call when there was trouble.
Even though it is called the French horn it first began to be developed in Germany. It was completed as we know it today in France. So that's why we call it a French horn. Some French horns are really two horns in one. They have two sets of tubing. The player switches between the two sets of coiled tubing by working a valve with his left thumb. One set of tubing gives a mellow, rich, deep tone. And the other makes a higher, brighter sound.

回答 (2)

2009-02-18 5:50 am
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銅管樂器部的領導人是法國號。 可是,因為那個最初被做成了的時候,嚴厲地聽得見了,誰,在室內都沒使用那個。 在法國,高貴,為了使用狩獵之間,角,互相打暗號製作了特別的編碼。 那個,有問題的時候,招呼用夜警連使用被做了。
那個被稱作了為法國號,不過,在最初時,在德國那個開始被開發。 像我們今天在法國知道那個一樣地,那個完成了。 因此,那,是我們稱呼那個為法國號的理由。 幾個法國號真的是1之2個的角。 他們拿著2套管材料。 運動員,根據他的左拇指處理電子管的事,轉換2套被纏繞了的管材料。 1套管材料給予圓,豐富,深的聲音。 並且,已經一邊,發出捻量,並且,更明亮的聲音

2009-02-18 7:47 pm
銅管樂組的領導是法國號。但是,當它初初被製造時沒有人在室內使用它,因為它的聲音很刺耳。法國貴族在狩獵期間使用了它並且組成特別代碼互相發信號。當有麻煩時,甚至在夜間用它來呼喚。即使它在德國被開發但仍被稱為法國號。它被製成後便是我們今天在法國所知道的。 因此, 就是這個原因我們稱它法國號。 有些法國號是真正地二合一。 他們有二套銅管。銅管樂手用他的左拇指控制一個捲成圈狀的銅管的閥門開關彈奏。一套銅管的音調柔和,豐富,而深沈。 而其他的音調卻可造到是較高較明亮

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