parts of speech(1day,20.點)

2009-02-18 2:10 am
a. Many H.K. youths cannot even correctly film in an______ form in English.
b. It is difficult to_______ for job during the financial speech.

a.Some results of our students are_____.
b.Many students were_____ at the results of the last examination.
c.Early studies for the next examination are a good way to avoid____.
d.Students's poor results in examination_______ their teachers.

回答 (1)

2009-02-18 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a. Many H.K. youths cannot even correctly film in an applicable form in English.
b. It is difficult to apply for job during the financial speech.

a.Some results of our students are disappointing.
b.Many students were disappointed at the results of the last examination.
c.Early studies for the next examination are a good way to avoid disappointment.
d. Students' poor results in examination disappoint their teachers.
參考: self

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