Complete the sentence. Choose from:
Cool, Higher, Lower, Quickly, Slowly, Warm
1)Heat energy flows from places at __ temperatures to places at __ temperatures. A copper tap has a high thermal conductance. When you touch it, heat energy flows __ from your hand and it feels __. A wooden table has a low thermal conductance. When you touch it, heat energy flows __ from your hand and it feels __.
2)Write down the materials below either they are high conductance or low conductance
Aluminium, Perspex, Iron, Brass, Polystyrene, Nylon, Copper, Polythene, Wood, Glass, Stone, Wool.
3)For each object listed below, select the best material from Question 2. Justify each choice in terms of properties
The handles of a frying pan
An Ice-Cream container
An oven glove
Roof Insulation
A hot-water Radiator
A cooking pot
Thx a lot!