SO2 in litmus solution

2009-02-17 8:57 am
CE past paper 2001 9 c iii
Why when SO2 passed into the blue litmus solution the solution turns red but not turn white afterwards? As isnt' that SO2 has bleaching power that will bleach the blue litmus solution?

so is that SO2 can bleach litmus paper but not litmus solution?

回答 (2)

2009-02-17 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案

SO2 is a bleaching agent, but NOT all dyes can be bleached by SO2. Litmus is a dye which cannot be bleached by litmus. However, SO2 solution is acidic, and thus SO2 can change blue litmus solution to red without further reaction.
2009-02-17 9:54 am
it is a SOLUTION, the reduced form of dye should be COLOURLESS instead of WHITE

2009-02-18 00:02:39 補充:
SO2有能力將濕的litmus paper漂白

2009-02-21 23:13:53 補充:
The litmus dyes is both litmus paper and litmus solution are of the same type

Paper is itself WHITE
A solution is itself COLOURLESS (NOT WHITE)

When litmus dye is bleached, litmus dye become colourless.
For litmus paper, WHITE + COLOURLESS = WHITE

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