Is there any chance for our marriage?

2009-02-16 4:31 pm
In July my wife left me because I went back on the bottle again. I got sober and to this day remain sober. She and I got back together in December. Then in January she decided to separate again, but this time I hadn’t been drinking. I asked her why she left me with this response: “I need my space right now”
She isn’t willing to see me for any length of time because “It is just too hard mentally for me to see you.” And now I can’t even email or call her she says “Let me call or email you when I would like to talk to you”.
Is there any chance for our marriage?
P.S. We’ve been married for 9 years.

She says it isn’t over, and that we need counseling.

回答 (16)

2009-02-16 4:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
sounds as if when u were hitting the bottle, she may have fallen out of love. also sounds as if there is another man in her life,but she isn't yet ready to let u go, because maybe she isn't quite sure of him, so yes theres still a chance if she isn't talking divorce.u really have no choice but to give her space, but i would focus on becoming sober, if not your going to go right back to where u were. continue to go to your meetings, and don't let this thing destroy what u have worked so hard to accomplish.
2016-05-26 1:23 pm
Read between the lines. He is financially struggling and wants to come back. He doesn't care about you and your son just a place to stay. Tell him no. He will only come back and then start another argument and leave again. Think of what this will do to your child. His father coming in and out of his life. He doesn't understand right now but eventually when he is older this action will affect him. Your married on paper only. Divorce him and find someone that will respect you, love you, love your child and be there for you even if you do have an argument. You and your child deserve so much better. Let him go. He doesn't love you or his child. Best of luck
2014-09-26 10:57 pm
I beleive in destiny but I still think you have to fight to save your marriage. Especially if you have children.
This ebook is a good resource to understand causes of your marital issues and to learn some important tips -->
2009-02-16 4:43 pm
You hurt her!!! And she's STILL hurt! Give her time. Let her see that your not and will not drink anymore. It might suck but if you love her it will be worth the wait!!! Get counseling meanwhile. Living apart while you do that might workout better. So i could be a blessing in disguise!!!!
2009-02-16 4:43 pm
There is a good chance that you wife fears your drinking and, even though it seems that you have stopped drinking, she is fearful that you will start again. Somehow I get the sense that you need a drink because otherwise you can not get the words out. Most heavy drinking happens because we fear that we will offend if we speak what is really on our mind.

Check this out. If this is the case then you could ask your wife to accept some swearing on your part and explain that you need to get your anger out of your system. I would highly recommend the "source" listed below for it contain some direction to get your feelings into the open.
2009-02-16 4:43 pm
Set up some counseling that way you can air all the problems. If she won't go then go for yourself. There is always a chance, but only if both are working to make it work. Don't give up, and continue to practice the 12 steps.
2009-02-16 4:43 pm
Probably not. When you were apart from July to December, she either met another man or she was able to live on her own just fine. She has made the decision that you are out of her life and there probably isn't anything you can do to change her thoughts. Sorry.
2009-02-16 4:38 pm
Really hard to tell here but you really dont have too many options here other than letting her have her space and see what comes of it. Marriage counseling would help tremendously here but seriously doubt she would agree to it. So give her her space and pray for the best but use this time to get your life starightened out even more. Good luck
參考: Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Pyschology
2009-02-16 4:38 pm
yes, it's always possible to reconcile, but give her time and space. it's what she needs right now. all you can do is let her know how much you love her, how sorry you are, how much effort you will put forth if she gives you another chance, and how you promise to never start drinking again.
2009-02-16 4:36 pm
Yes, there is a chance. Give her some space. It sounds like you would benefit from AA. Look up a meeting near you. YOu will like it.

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