what is 55% of $300,000?

2009-02-16 11:40 am

回答 (8)

2009-02-16 12:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is not a very hard question since everybody got a correct answer. Let me contribute to avail 2 points :

55% of $300,000

= 0.55 x $300,000
= $165,000 (Answer)
2009-02-16 8:19 pm
55% of $300,000 = $300,000 x 55 / 100
= $3,000 x 55
= $165,000. answer
2009-02-16 7:56 pm
55% can be expressed as 55/100 which, in decimals, is 0.55
Multiply 0.55 by 300,000 (in mathematics, the multiplication sign (x) or (*) can be used to express the word "of.")
So, 55% of $300,000 can be expressed as:
0.55 x $300,000
The answer to this question is $165,000
2009-02-16 7:52 pm
55/100 × 300000 = $165000
2009-02-16 7:48 pm
$300,000 x 55/100 = $165,000
2009-02-16 7:47 pm
2009-02-16 7:46 pm
$300000 x 55%
= $300000 x 55/100
= $300000 x 11/20
= $3300000/20
= $165000
2009-02-16 7:44 pm
300000*0.55 = 165000

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 12:04:04
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