iPhone game download ( 15 ! )

2009-02-16 12:11 pm
除左係手機度 down 到 ... 可唔可以係 PC down 呢 ?

邊度有得 down ?
( 講埋點放落手機 )

仲有呀 .. 我係 YouTube 見到有人用 NOKIA N95 玩 iPhone 某 D game .. 咁我用 NOKIA 5310 得唔得嫁

我見到個個都話 App Store down .. 但係我只係見到 '' buy '' .. 點 down 嫁 ?


我冇 iPhone ... 我係見到人地用 NOKIA N95 / N96 玩 ... 我都想試下 ... ( 仲有人用 PSP 呀 ! )


http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=iBeer+NOKIA+&aq=f 有關 NOKIA N95 玩 iPhone game ... ( YouTube )


我係 App Store 見到好多都係 '' Buy App '' ... 但係 why 你地可以 down ??

回答 (2)

2009-02-19 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
-1 當然要先有itunes:

如果你會買收費軟件就開itures→隨便選一個收費軟件→BUY APP(價錢右邊)→建立新帳戶→continue→tick左個box(I have read and agree......)→continue→填個人資料→填信用卡資料→其他個人資料(「Phone:」填852(第一個格),塡你的電話號碼(第二個格))→continue→之後你懂的吧→去e-mail信箱確認。

如果你會下載兔費軟件就開itures→隨便選一個兔費軟件→BUY APP(FREE右邊)→建立新帳戶→continue→tick左個box(I have read and agree......)→continue→填個人資料→信用卡資料選「none」→其他個人資料(「Phone:」填852(第一個格),塡你的電話號碼(第二個格))→continue→之後你懂的吧→去e-mail信箱確認。

參考: me
2009-02-17 12:22 am
1. You can download the games from both the App Store in iPhone and the App Store in iTunes (PC).

2. If you downloaded the games from iPhone, you don't need to transfer them to the phone. If you downloaded the games from iTunes, you can sync the games with its usb cable.

3. Can you post the youtube link? The game publisher may issue the games in different platforms.

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