Where is the best place to take voice lessons in the Los Angeles area?

2009-02-15 9:15 pm

回答 (1)

2009-02-19 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's so hard to find a great voice teacher! In part, it depends on what style you are interested in, location (easier in some parts of LA than others), and your age -- you have to find the right fit.

For my son, I found amazing voice teachers on craigslist. Two moved away to bigger and better things, big leaps in their careers. I looked everywhere - conservatories, schools, etc, and was pleasantly surprised at the teachers I found on craigslist.

It's always good to try a lesson before committing to a group of sessions. In between two craigslist teachers, my son went for a lesson at a very respected school and the voice teacher was totally wrong to teach a teen with a changing voice. So you have to see who is right for you.

Here is a search on craiglist for voice. You'll want to do other searches for singing, etc to make sure you see every ad:

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