How far can you walk?

2009-02-15 2:14 pm
I can walk 6 miles in a day.

I've walked longer that's just my average.

回答 (14)

2009-02-15 2:18 pm
All the way from here to

There and back.
2009-02-15 2:17 pm
to the fridge and back
2009-02-15 2:17 pm
Depends how far the food is from where I am
2009-02-15 2:21 pm
i hike and backpack,i can go all day
2009-02-15 2:21 pm
not sure but i can walk
2009-02-15 2:20 pm
Over 30 miles without drink and food within 8 hours.
2009-02-15 2:18 pm
prob more than 6 miles
but i don't walk alot but if i was to i could walk more than 6 miles a day (have done many times)
2009-02-15 2:18 pm
i can run 8 walk i ran 5 once
參考: me
2009-02-15 2:18 pm
The average person walks about 4-5 miles per hour. So in a 10 hour day 40-50 miles. But then remember you have to walk back too!
2009-02-15 2:18 pm
a lot if i want to. it depends on my motivation
2009-02-15 2:18 pm
To the toilet and back from my bed
2009-02-15 2:17 pm
i can walk from east nassau to west nassau i mean in the bahamas
2009-02-15 2:17 pm
Long, long ways.
參考: Cross Country & Track (:
2009-02-15 2:17 pm
does it matter xD

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