Is my girlfriend using me please help me?

2009-02-15 1:41 pm
i payed for her on the five dates and she always asks me for money but she says she loves me we have been going out for 3months now and we are both 14 and we havent kissed yet and i ask her if she is using me for money cause someone at my school said she was so i did and she said dont u know i love u is she using me for money but in class she watches me when my back is turned and when some girls are watching me she gives them the evil eye is she still using me

回答 (20)

2009-02-15 1:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First, if you have been dating for 3 months only and she is already asking you for money that is pathetic! You are only 14, I shouldn't be talking because i'm only 13 but i'm in 8th grade, anyway where do you get all this money from your parents, birthday money, christmas money? If you do have a job and you get paid a good amount for being 14 then you shouldn't be giving money to her that you have worked for! You should tell her that if she wants extra money she should get a job! You are only 14 and most relationships that are at our age level don't give money to our bf/gf! So I think you should break up with her!

One person in some of my classes was going out with this guy and the guy is nice, they went out for about 9 months but then they broke up but they never gave each other money except for when the guy would pay for dates but also the girl would pay for dates!
參考: Me
2009-02-15 9:45 pm
Yes she is...........Drop her and save your cash........
2009-02-15 9:51 pm
A girl should never be asking you for money, especially at 14. Stop giving her any money and next time you go on a date, say something like-"You're treat next time." When she asks for money say "I don't have it." and if she still sticks around you know she is not using you. It's good for guys to pay for dates, but by 5 she should have at least OFFERED to pay, even if you told her no. Sounds like she may be a user or may just be spoiled-and you can help her with that while she's still young.
2009-02-15 9:47 pm
yes, yes, yes, yes and ummmm.......yes. She is what we like to call a Gold Digger, dude come on now she is 14! those chicks are only lookin out for themselves, no matter how good at acting they are. Cut off her money supply and see if she still loves you
2009-02-15 9:45 pm
stop paying her and see if she stays with you, you'll find out the answer to your question that way.
2009-02-15 9:45 pm
Sounds like she might be using you a little bit, and it kind of sounds like she's a little jealous/overprotective.
2009-02-15 9:55 pm
Being that your still a bit wet between the ear's, let me clue you in on something, be it female or male, no one should ask you for money, however if it is borrowed that is a bit different, as this then turns into a loan, but friends don't ask friends for money, period. No one can be used unless they are a willing participant, so stop complaining about being used, by you handing over the money and paying for the dates and not shutting the door on her requests, this makes you no better then her, so their is a easy fix to this mess, close your wallet up to her requests, stop paying and giving into her requests, just say no.
2009-02-15 9:47 pm
She is using you big time. Get rid of her right now. At 14 you honestly do not know what love it. This girl is jealous and manipulative. This is not going to be the love of your life or the girl you marry. Can you honestly see yourself being married to a girl who spends all your hard earned money and is jealous of your every move. Your life would be a total misery. Move on quickly.
2009-02-15 9:44 pm
You should get some of what you pay for, tell her to give you a lap dance dude.
2009-02-15 10:02 pm
The kissing or not is irrelevant. Some people can have a relationship at 14 without that.

Paying for her on dates is irrelevant. With some couples, the guy always pays - it's not that unusual.

Her asking you for money is the key. That's very bad. Even if she is not consciously using you, she seems to have a sense of entitlement. What you want is a girlfriend that is concerned about you, including not wasting your money. If you're generous without her asking fine, but if she asks for it, that's very, very bad.

Later on, when you find a girl that really cares for you, you'll wonder what you were thinking now.
2009-02-15 9:54 pm
is she using you or are you using her? has she offered to pay on dates and you refused her on the grounds of being chivalrous? and it sounds like she cant take hr eyes off you! and do you flirt witht the other girls? and thats why shes watching them? and how come you havent kised yet? who is the non-instigator of that? if you are interested in each other then get together and talk.
2009-02-15 9:54 pm
ok you just talk to her and you have to say i wanna sex that is brove
參考: give her phone i will talk to her
2009-02-15 9:51 pm
this is a hard one. But its hard to tell juz from the facts above. U shud know. add all the facts together.. wut does it tell u?

wut kind of person is she? is she usually a broke person? Relationships shouldnt involve 2 much money but rather to be a sweet lovely kinda thing. U got to do some investigating buddie.

But obviously dont ask her up front if she is using u. Every1 would be in denial... But wut was her reaction wen u ask her that.

Do u feel loved when being with her? Do you get the feel of a proper couple?

Ask her why she always needs money, wuts the situation. Is there a way yu can help without money..

Go out with her more, u only been on 5 dates? go for a walk juz chill with her, u dont have to spend money to have fun....

Do things without money being involved. How does it feel?

No one will know but you, So trust ur heart and go with what ever the feeling is telling u.

This is a relationship regarding the both of u. if u dislike it then speak up. If its still a problem then u shud know theres something wrong about teh relationship and it MUST be fixed.

good luck bud
2009-02-15 9:50 pm
now its ordinary that a guy pays when ever he is in a date

but tbh if she is asking you for money then i think she is using you
besides as you said other guys who have been on a relation with her said that she used them for money so i think you should watch her closely

btw watch if she ever offered to pay on you for something like if u went out for a dinner or something.
if she did offer then its she isnt thinking in a bad way but if she didnt then she is, also try to see if she always pick the most expensive meal on the menu or not.
always watch her you can know her real intentions from some silly and small things that she act
2009-02-15 9:49 pm
maan you should save your cash
2009-02-15 9:49 pm
i think she is, going out for 3 months now and you still haven't kiss!
2009-02-15 9:49 pm
well if you're a rich guy then its possible, i mean, look.. girls these days are crazy, well not all girls, just some of them, those girls are all about money...they'll tell you "honey can you buy me this one?, can you pay for this one?, hey im out of cash and I need some.." oh just shut up and you're both 14...youre still young man, take it slow...
2009-02-15 9:48 pm
is she trying to avoid kissing you? do you want to kiss her?
I'm no relationship expert but i'd say she isn't using you.
she obviously doesn't like it when other girls look at you.
and don't listen to other people at school, they're either jealous or just want to try and spread thing. just because she's asking you for money doesn't mean she's using you, maybe she's just short on money? :}
2009-02-15 9:48 pm
if she wanted to use u why would she wait 3 months to do that!!!
and if u love ur relationship tell her that u dont have enough money for everything she asks,and so if she loves u for urself she will stay;)
2009-02-15 9:45 pm
How can she be your girlfriend if you haven't even kissed? If that's true, I guess my boyfriend is everyone.

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