check grammar (one sentense)

2009-02-15 7:03 pm
I woud choose News Item 2 because it can let people know the heavy price of piracy.

回答 (3)

2009-02-15 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would choose New Items 2 because it lets people know the heavy price they pay for piracy.
the heavy price they pay for piracy== 承擔盜版這行為的嚴重後果

the heavy price of piracy = 盜版十分昂貴<-------Wrong!


2009-02-15 16:01:42 補充:
I would choose New Items 2 because it lets people know the heavy price they pay for piracy.
the heavy price they pay for piracy== 承擔盜版這行為的嚴重後果
2009-02-15 11:13 pm
I think the original sentence is fine, and the grammar is correct.

Responder #001's suggestion is also good, but I think the last two words (to pay) may be redundant, i.e. it could simply be: I would choose News Item 2 because it shows that piracy comes with a heavy price.
2009-02-15 7:07 pm
I would choose News Item 2 because it shows people that piracy comes with a price to pay.

P.S. Your grammar seems correct indeed, just that you can put the sentence in a better way.

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