Improve English

2009-02-15 9:11 am
How to improve my English...?
I think that my English is not good enough...
I want to know more vocabulary.....
What should I do...?

回答 (5)

2009-02-15 11:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

first of all,

you should not be afraid of reading English - the biggest problem.

So, I decided to writing the answer in English. :)

My teacher said, if you want to be good at doing something, you should "fall in love" with it first.

So, how to fall in love with English? :( ?

That's what I did...

1.listen to good English music and abandon Cantonese songs.
if you like pop, you can try...
Joanna Wang (a Taiwanese singer but sings English songs.Her pronunciation is good.)
Delta Goodrem
Celine Dion
The Carpenters (a group in 1970s still good though)
Kelly Clarkson

Within Temptation
Lacuna Coil

(Sorry I'm a gal so like songs sang by female.Hope you're a gal)

After listening a few times, you can read the lyrics and try to understand it and look up the words you dont know.You can learn vocabs from it.
Then, you sing along and try to imitate the accent/pronunciation od the singers.

Afterward, learn songs without looking the lyrics but only by ears.

2.Dramas & Movies - watch the English ones and abandon Chinese/Hong Kong ones
Ugly Betty (love it)
Desperate Housewives (love it)
Prison Break (I dont like really much though)
Gossip girls
Friends (an old drama)

If you think you're capable, you can try to watch without subtitles.
If it's broadcasting on TV and you cant turn the subtitles off, I'll cover the subtitles with a piece of newspaper.
This helps your listening really much.

Ok,I myself, dont like reading English publication.
But, I forced myself to read and found them interesting.

If you're like me dont like reading,you can read something popular or sth that you're interested.
Like, you know Twilight, the movie or the book,
actually the book is really awesome and is popular among teens.
Read the book and you may find there are lots of words you need to learn.

2009-02-15 03:05:45 補充:
4.Be aspirant
If you see any words you dont know, jot down in a vocab book then look up in the dictionary and make notes.
Try to revise the vocab book you made every day.
Something like idiom you dont understand, check on the internet or ask your teacher.

Speak more to your NET at school.

2009-02-15 03:06:01 補充:
5.Change your writing habit online
Use English when you weblogging.
You can make foreign friends in the internet and talk to them on msn or facebook or whatever.

2009-02-15 03:06:10 補充:
**the above are methods learning AMERICAN English as most of the songs and dramas I mentioned are American.
Um,it's really hard in HK as the dramas and movies here are American.
If you wanna learn British English,um, cant help you with that.
2009-02-17 12:07 am
補習Andy sir是必然之選,教不少答題技巧,佢係註冊教師,已教中一至中七十數載,教學認真,以小組形式上課,用公式化教作文,被譽為狀元老師。佢現係一間位於太子的五星優質教育中心任教,如你報名時話我【張鈞樂同學】介紹,即可享以全年特惠价$600(原價:$800)報讀,每堂2小時。
如有任何疑問,或有意報讀上述課程,歡迎打电話、send e-mail 給我,本人很樂意解答你的問題。

contact phone number: 25477228(張鈞樂同學)
e-mail address: [email protected]
參考: 自己補習心得
2009-02-16 8:19 am
你可以找私人補習. 我現在有幫學生補習英文.
2009-02-15 11:44 am
studying in the uk is the answer.
there is so much more you can learn.
Idioms, lots of vocabs and culture. You cannot learn these
unless you hang out with the english.
2009-02-15 10:40 am
1. Do more readings include books, magazines. Look up the meaning of the vocabulary in the dictionary, and then write it down and review it on an occasional basis.
2. Listen to the CNN news. Listen to the Chinese version first, then watch the English version. In that way, you can learn more vocabularies too.
3. Look on the Internet for vocabularies search, and choose those vocabularies of your interest, and then write them down.
4. I would recommend this book to you - "1000 Essential words - Test words you should know" by Adams Media Corporation.

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