Me and my Girlfriend are planning to try for children. I am 16, She is 17.?

2009-02-15 12:45 am
What support is available to us in the United Kingdom?


回答 (22)

2009-02-20 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have to pay for this?
2009-02-15 8:50 am
Don't be so stupid. You are young. You have heaps of time to worry about children. Finish school. Get a good job then think about children.
2009-02-15 8:53 am
Please...Don't. Wait it out until you can afford them without depending on the government to support you all. A baby is not a toy, it's a human being and a huge responsibility. You should want your kids to have the best life possible and raising them on government assistance is not providing them with that life, especially when it can be prevented. Rethink this one, seriously.
參考: mom of 2 and #3 on the way
2009-02-15 8:52 am
r u out of school do you have a job do you live together and not at mommy and daddy you are way to young i hope it doesn't happen
2009-02-15 8:50 am
Im sure there isnt much if any at all. Please reconsider. Im truly not trying to be mean or nasty or rude. Its really never a good idea. Just wait it out.

If you plan to have kids and then be together forever, then why not wait part of that forever before you have the kids so they arent brought into an awkward situation?
2009-02-15 8:55 am
I am sure there is welfare in our area.You 2 are to young to be trying for kids.You need to finish school and go to college .
參考: Mom of 3
2009-02-15 8:51 am
ure retaded .. 4 real .. unless u sayin ure planning to be together for a while and try to have a kid in a few yrs
2009-02-15 9:06 am
Ask us when you're an adult and actually have plans on how to raise the child, not just plan on financial support from the government. That is used for people in dire not, not planning children with welfare in mind
2009-02-15 8:58 am
I am not trying to be rude or inconsiderate, but you are way to young to be even considering children. My younger sister had her first child at 20, and she had trouble raising it, even with a husband and welfare. You are in no condition to care for children. It is much to big of a responsibility for someone your age. I would think over this before you do anything. Besides, I don't think many parents would approve of this. I don't know about yours or hers, but this would probably be a shocker to them.

Please think this over, there are so many experiences you need to experience before you even try for children. Take my advice, wait until you're older. Please?

Good luck.

Do not bash Americans! I'm sorry, but that was extremely rude!
2009-02-15 8:57 am
are you trying to be like that 13-yr old kid who just had a baby with his 15-yr old girlfriend?

I am not sure what kind of support there is in the UK, but all I know is you better have rich parents who don't mind paying for your baby because at 16 and 17, neither you nor your girlfriend has the skills, experience or education to make a decent living to provide for the baby (including time, necessities, toys, etc.)
2009-02-15 9:06 am
why are you trying to conceive when you should still be in school? The only support you will get is welfare and I think it's ludicrous to have children when you can't even afford them.

Sorry, a 16 and 17 year old is not ready to be a parent.

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