翻譯高手就入 20分

2009-02-15 3:49 am
本是電視製作人的摩根.史培洛,一日吃飽無事,在電視上看到兩名癡肥少女控告M記出售不健康食品,而M記則 指他們的食物無害,即使一日食足三餐都不會有事。為了「見證」M記的說法,摩根決定自己以身犯險。

為證明快餐與美國人肥胖的共生關係,摩根.史培洛進行了一個為期三十日的實驗,一日三餐只吃M記出售的食物及飲品,包括水,而且還遵守有三項規則:當被M記問及要不要加大時,必須答「要」;餐單上所有食品至少要吃一次,及所有食物必須吃光。一個月,摩根共吃下三十磅糖十二磅脂肪,體重上升二十四磅!除此之外,他還落力走訪不同地方,巨無霸fans、汽水迷都成為其追訪對象,他更帶觀眾踢爆學校膳食、食品工業、揭露傳媒甚至 政府的漠視態度。

2003 年2月,實驗正式開始,其實摩根在第二天就已經開始受不住,店員詢問他要不要加大,他按規接受,因而獲得一包重半磅的薯條和四十二安士的汽水!與快餐苦戰一輪之後,他將所有食物吐出來。摩根選擇堅持下去,於是在往後的日子他漸漸感到胸口翳悶、頭痛、抑鬱等症狀。進行實驗十日後的檢驗結果令醫生對於他的健康相當擔心,亦為快餐食物對健康的影響感到驚訝。奇怪的是,摩根一邊承受M記食品對他帶來的壞處,卻一邊對快餐食 品上癮!

回答 (2)

2009-02-16 1:08 am
✔ 最佳答案

I'm television producer Morgan. One day , when he watched TV , he saw two fat girls accused that McDonald had sold some unhealthy product,but McDonald said that their food were not unhealthy, even we ate it between three meals, we were still be ok. In order to make ture that McDonald were true, Morgon decided to try this experiment.

So that, Morgan decided to carry out a thirty days experiment, all three-meals were Mcdonald's food and drinks, included water, aslo had to obey three rules : If a McDonald' s seller ask him whether he want to enlarge the size of food, he must answer "Yes" ; All Food in menus must not eat less than one times and should eat all of them. One Month later, Morgan had ate thirty pound of sugar and twelve pound
of fat, and his weight had increased twenty-four of pound! Besides, he had visited many different, the fans of hamburger and cook became his visit target, he aslo carried viewers to discovor that canteens of some schools , food industries and aslo goverment to treat with indifference.

In two thousand and three, the experiment formal to be started.Actually, when the experiment started two days ago, Morgan already couldn't enjoy it. When McDonald's seller asked him whether he want to enlarge the size of food,he obeyed the rule and agreed it, so that he gained a half of pound of Frech fries and 42 OZ of soft drinks! After he started the " war" between he and fast food, he vomited all the food. But he decided to insist on it , so that after some days, he's chest started to feel uncomfortable, headache and also depressed. After the experiment started about ten days, the result of the experiment made the doctor anxious about Morgan's health, also astonished about the fast food could influence the health of human such greatly. Unusual, Margon one side recieved about the bad influence carried by fast food, but one side he to be addicted about the fast food

2009-02-15 17:09:54 補充:
第一位回答者 puiyiu2004 的回答裏的英文文法全錯的!可見是用翻譯機!
2009-02-15 5:05 am
This is a television producer Morgan. History Peiluo day nothing to eat, saw on television the two obese girls sued M Hutchison to sell unhealthy food, while the M in mind, it means their food-friendly, even if adequate food three meals a day will not happen. In order to "witness" M in mind that Morgan to determine their own lives at risk.

To prove the American fast food and obesity in a symbiotic relationship, Morgan. History Peiluo on the 30th for a two experiments, three meals a day eating M Hutchison sold food and drinks, including water, but also comply with three rules: When M in mind and want to increase the question must be FOR "To"; menu to eat all the food at least once, and all food must be finished. One month, Morgan eating a total of 30 pounds sugar 12 pounds of fat, body weight increased 24 pounds! In addition, he also get to visit different places, Big Mac fans, pop fans have become the object of its追访, he revealed the audience with the school meals, food industry, exposing the media and even the Government's indifferent attitude.

February 2003, the experiment started, in fact, Morgan has started the next day on the subject can not, the shopkeeper asked him not to increase, according to regulatory acceptance of him, thereby gaining one weighing half a pound of French fries and 42 oz The soft drinks! After a bitter struggle with fast food, he will come out all food. Morgan choose to do so, so in the days ahead, he is beginning to feel his chest nebula nausea, headaches and depression. Experiment on the 10th after the test results so that the Doctor very worried about his health, but also fast food on the health effects of surprise. Strangely enough, Morgan M side to bear in mind the food brought to his disadvantages, but one side of fast food addiction!

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 13:04:02
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