What's black and white and red

2009-02-14 7:33 pm
What's black and white and red all over?
help me
Its a difficult riddle!

回答 (2)

2009-02-14 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
An embarrassed zebra or penguin or panda

A sunburnt zebra or penguin or panda

2009-02-14 11:46:39 補充:
This is an old riddle. The "panda" part was added by me.

2009-02-14 12:41:56 補充:
咁如果你老師有其他答案記得話我知, ok! 加油呀!

2009-02-14 13:03:15 補充:
如果個 riddle 係你老師上堂時用口發問, 而唔係寫喺黑板上, 咁就係捉字蚤, 個答案應係 "newspaper".
口述: What's black and white and "read" (同 "red" 同音) all over? Newspaper.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2009-02-14 9:07 pm
The answer is: Newspaper.

In spoken English, the word "red" is replaced by the word "read" (past tense; pronounced as "red").
參考: myself

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