”彈牙” 英文點講?

2009-02-14 9:06 am
想形容粒魚蛋好彈牙, 英文應該點講?

回答 (5)

2009-02-16 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am not sure whether using Al dente would be confusing.
So, better commenting with delicious and flexible(柔韌的;有彈性的) together
2009-02-14 11:51 pm
”彈牙” 英文 Al Dente.....原來是意大利人形容意粉煮得爽口彈牙、有趙頭, 今日英語世界的飲食界(廚師)都採用了這外來語, 作為廚藝的專有名詞!
讀作(阿+L DENtay)
參考: 靠撞
2009-02-14 11:04 pm

The texture of the fish ball is very elastic (or bouncy).

至於 chewy﹐其實是相反﹐是很 "un"﹐解作不易嘴嚼。
參考: professional interpreter
2009-02-14 5:35 pm
Grain of fish egg good ball tooth
2009-02-14 9:14 am
我會話 : "Those are some chewy fish-balls!!"
Hope it helps

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