Share Capital

2009-02-13 10:32 pm
如 法定股本是HKD1,000,000,(股東從未拎過錢出黍)

兩年後, 股東 拿 公司 HKD 1,500,000

這是否記股東 往來?

但這數已超出股本, 合法嗎?

咁當系派股息 Divident paid 或者股東借錢AMOUNT DUE FROM 兩者對日後帳目有什麼影響? Thank You!


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR ANSWER! 但係如果帳目有 "accumulated ( Losses)", 即係冇 Retained Earning, 咁係咪一定記 amount due from ???

回答 (3)

2009-02-13 10:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
法定股本系咁多啫, 兩年后你有賺錢或者蝕錢家嘛. 股東拿公司錢, 你可以當系派股息 Divident paid 或者股東借錢AMOUNT DUE FROM

2009-02-13 14:44:46 補充:
我無記錯既話, 派股息系減少個retained earning, 但amount due from 系要還既

2009-02-13 15:42:56 補充:
當然無retained earning, 就無得派dividend, 要入amount due from
2009-02-14 4:03 am
Authorized Capital is different from theIssued Capital. I think you should check to the issued capital as filed withthe Companies Registry for shares being allotted. The issued capital must bepaid by each of the shareholders in that sharing ratio within a reasonabletime.
If the shareholders are drawing out money, as this is not a dividend declaredand paid, it is then simply money borrowed by the shareholders. The account 'Amount due from Shareholders ' must be debited and bank account being credited.
Please note that company could only distribute a dividend to shareholdersif the company has a retained earning, which is normally reflected in theReserves in the Equity Account. You are right. An accumulated losses meansthere is no retained earning of revenue in nature. A capital reserve, if any, isnot distributable in general.

2009-02-13 10:40 pm
咁當系派股息 Divident paid 或者股東借錢AMOUNT DUE FROM


Thank You!

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