computer window

2009-02-13 8:00 am
I bought a computer in the USA, the window is in english, how could I change it into a traditional Chinese window?
I download some Chinese software, and it appear as 亂碼,怪獸字, what could I do?
Am I able to type in Chinese after I got the Chinese window, if not, what should I do?

How do I 安裝中文視窗?

回答 (3)

2009-02-21 2:15 pm
我不知你為何一定要裝中文版wins, 你自己打都打成大段英文,

英文版一樣可以打到中文, 睇到中文, 只係某些字句上係一定

用英文.....如: file, edit, view ....呢D你又唔係唔識, 為乜要一定

用中文, 你若然要裝software, 裝番英文版咪得囉! 打中文就好

易啫! 你只要在....control panel, 按clock language and region, 再

按format, 將佢按到 traditional chinese(hong kong), 然後到按

keyboard and language按 chinese, 咁要睇你用倉頡定係打速成,

若然打倉頡就按 - chinese (traditional)chang jie,

chinese(traditional)quick 就係速成, 你喜歡打乜就按乜!

2009-02-13 10:49 am
2009-02-13 8:39 am

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