What is a good thesis statement for my research paper?

2009-02-12 10:57 pm
Its about being against the death penalty.

回答 (5)

2009-02-13 10:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your thesis could cover anything on the Death Penalty, but some statement titles could be ::

'Is the death penalty immoral?' :: Which would cover justice, law, punishment and possibly religion.

'Are there any crimes that deserve the death penalty?' :: You could argue morality, justice, law and punishment, give examples for both sides of the argument.

'Is the death penalty an effective deterrent?' :: You could use examples to show it isn't, and that other methods are more effective (ie. councelling and prison), that would cover justice, morality and law and punishment.

'Is the death penalty an appropriate punishment for murder?' :: that would narrow it down a bit so its not so vast, and you could cover examples, justice, law, punishment and morality.

''An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth', how far can this statement be true?' :: that would consist of religious morality, equal punishment, justice and law. Might be difficult to argue against the it though for this one.

'Should the death penalty be the ultimate response to a crime?' :: You could discuss the other resolves (justice), law, morals and punishment.

You could use a quote from here ::
and prove it wrong.

Or use a quote against the death penalty and prove it is accurate.

Eg. 'It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world.' Does this justify the death penalty? (one example of using a quote for the death penalty and proving it wrong)

I hope this helps anyway ^_^
2009-02-13 8:30 pm

I strongly disagree with the idea of death penalty for several reasons.

ofcourse the reasons will be why u disagree. i have a nice reason :P >> Who are you to decide who lives and who dies << not u , the judge imean ;p i dunno for me even a human kills he doesnt deserve to die, i mean what will u gain if he dies ,, he already killed someone, that someone will not come back to life .. so what is the point of killing a murderer if nothing will change, just put him behind bars for a long time or for life .. well thats my opinion .. :)
參考: the teacher drowned us with essays TT__TT
2009-02-13 8:38 am
I'm not gonna tell you a thesis statement because its better to think and make one up yourself, BUT I will give you some tips. Start it off with a "hook" or something that will grab the reader's attention. Here are some examples on how to start it off: you can compare two things or a shocking statement. You should also discuss three main things you will talk about throughout the essay.
2009-02-13 9:43 am
Teenage bullfrog.
2009-02-13 7:03 am
I was a teenage bullfrog.

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