
2009-02-12 11:15 pm
請問 :
政府部門電話 :
投訴條街泊滿雙行車, 阻礙后來行車, 應打什麼政府部門電話 ?
投訴行人道啤報紙檔阻塞, 給行人蔕來十分不便, 應打什麼政府部門電話 ?
謝謝 !!

回答 (3)

2009-02-13 6:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
投訴條街泊滿雙行車 => call the district police office (not 999) is the quickest way

報紙檔阻塞 => call FEHD (食環), 2868 0000, 食環 is responsible for the newspaper stall licence

1823 cannot handle your complaint direct, they can only refer your case to the relevant departments
2009-02-13 1:36 am
打1823政府熱線, 佢會轉介有關部門跟進!
2009-02-12 11:23 pm
打1823政府熱線, 佢會轉介有關部門跟進

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