
2009-02-12 10:17 pm
26歲 有澳洲accounting bachelor,想轉行做marketing/PR 既工作.唔知有冇機會? 點先可以增加成功既機會?

ps:本人比較外向,英文好,鐘意同人溝通. 對會計呢行冇咩興趣.但又怕accounting degree會變成一個拖累怕marketing唔會請.

回答 (1)

2009-02-14 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
現在, 找pure marketing / pr 的工作比較困難, 因為經濟不景, pure marketing / pr 是純洗錢, spend cost. 我很多朋友的公司都 cut marketing cost.

若果, 你想轉行, 你可以做 business development or sales & marketing field. 因為他們的工作性質是為公司做生意, earn money.

這是本人的個人經驗. 我讀 economics, 但不喜歡教書和做銀行. 所以, 一畢業, 在financil magazine 做advertisement direct sales. 一年後, 再轉行做household service club sales & marketing, 除了sales外, 還要做marketing & promotion planning & execution. 跟住都在不同行業做business development for 10 years. 現在,是manager grade.
我有些讀bba, 或是marketing 的friend, 因為不願意做有sales成份的工作, 而只可以做admin. 我經歷過幾次經濟不景 eg. 1997, 2003 和現在, 公司都會先 cut pure marketing staff, 之後其工作會由sales & marketing staff or business development staff兼任.

最緊要讀些sales presentation, corporate sales, sales management 等的courses, 或是行銷心理學等等短線course, 長線可讀sales & marketing management high diploma or master. 工餘時, 多看些self-improvement的書 eg. Who move my cheese, Present (The gifts that makes you happy and successful at work in life), It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be; Six Thinking Hats; Screw it! Let's do it (Lesson in life); Unlimited Power; The Magic of thinking big, etc.
我請marketing executives時, 我不會考慮他們的學科, 我會著重他們對我公司及產品的了解, presentation skills, language capability, positive-thinking, open-minded, creativity, team-work, working attitudes, personality, sales-oriented, etc.

Good Luck!

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