acute angled triangle

2009-02-12 8:57 pm
Sorry for not knowing how to draw the diagram.
In the figuare, ABC is an acute angled triangle. M is the mid-point of BC. E is a point on AB, so that the length of AE is twice that of BE. F is the intersection of AM and EC. If area of △AFC is 6, find the area of △AEF.

回答 (1)

2009-02-12 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We may use vector method as follows:

2009-02-12 22:18:29 補充:
Since M is the mid-point of BC, the position vector of M relative to A is the half of the sum of the position vector of B pls position vector of C, both relative to A.

2009-02-12 22:18:33 補充:
Point of div. formula.
For a point P dividing a line segment RS in the ratio a:b, the position vector of P (relative to any point) can be expressed as:
p = (as + br)/(a + b)
where r and s are also the corresponding position vectors.

2009-02-13 14:33:29 補充:
Yes, you should notice that a and b are vectorial quantities which include the concept of direction. Therefore don't just simply use lengths as measurement.
參考: Myself

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