我用特區護照入境, 但係有一年ge student visa
我可唔可以買interrail pass?
順便問埋, 點解europass for 3 countires 反而會平過 regional europass for Switzerland and Germany?
真係咁? 因為我o係http://www.interrailnet.com/2_conditions_of_use睇到 You can buy an InterRail Pass if your country of residence for at least 6 months has been: * one of the Inter Rail community members: * one of the other European countries: 我當然想買interrail pass喇, 但係我驚去到個時買唔到就弊傢伙
我再check 過europass既價錢, 發覺adult的確冇問題 但係youth就有我所講既問題了 http://www.eurail.com/eurail_germany_switzerland_pass http://www.eurail.com/eurail_select_pass_3_countries 我真係百思不得其解...