
2009-02-12 4:53 am
My name is Fan Ka Yiu.I am 13 years old.I live in Shen Shui Bo with my grandmother.My primary school in Kowloon.My favourite subjects at school are Chinese and English,but the result is not too good.My favourite pastime is reading china history books,also sometime.I enjoy cooking at home.I like playing badriniton and frack and field.Because it can help you to stay fif.Thank you.

回答 (3)

2009-02-12 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
My name is Fan Kai Yiu and I am 13 years old. (唔加一齊會好似小學2年級...)
I live in Sham Shui Po with my grandmother. (Shen Shui Bo? 係唔係深水埗? 記得唔好講bo阿)
I am a student of a primary school in Kowloon. (咁講意思一樣但係好好多)
I am interested in Chinese and English, but I am not very good at them. (唔係一定要講favourite subject嘅 咁樣講意思一樣)
I enjoy cooking and reading books about Chinese history. I also like to play badminton and to jog, as sports help me staying fit. (我諗badriniton係badminton? frack係track? field係field events? um...如果比我揀我就會話 I also like to play badminton and tennis... 又或者其他可以放'play'係前面嘅sport囉 咁個文法一定唔會錯~ eg. basketball, table tennis, soccer etc. 又或者 I also like to swim and jog... other examples: surf, ski, dance etc...)

參考: Myself...
2009-02-13 3:01 am
My name is Fan Ka Yiu.I am 13 years old.I live in Shen Shui Bo with my grandmother.My primary school *is* in Kowloon.My favourite subjects are Chinese and English. My favourite pastime is reading *Chinese* history books.I enjoy cooking at homesince cooking is interesting!I also like playing *badminton*since it can help me to stay heathily. Thank you.

***TIPS: you can also say what do you like about this school,why you want to study at this school,and tell the teacher that you really what to come to study at this school.***

"but the result is not too good" :I think you shouldn't say not good in interview, it will make others think you are not really good and they will not accept you immediately.
參考: ~~~~
2009-02-12 5:01 am
都ok既但你都可以在睇書戈到講下你鐘以咩書 點算又會鐘以睇甘就好d

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