
2009-02-12 4:15 am
請大家幫我解決以下難3 , 感謝你地 ge 幫忙 !!

英文翻譯 :
1. For display purposes these airlines have had their return fare halved to indicate a one way price

2. As you do at home

中文翻譯 :
a : 請問 xxx 點去 ?
b: 你向前行 , 轉左 , 再直行 , 就會叫到果間商店系對面 , 你要過左天橋 , 咁就到啦 !

文法疑難 :
以下邊句先系正確 + ?
i haven't still chatted with you
i still haven't chatted with you

唔該大家 ~~~

啊 ~~~ 唔好意思呀, 我突然想起一樣野想問清楚少少 , 其實 other , another 有咩分別 ? 你地兩個都譯得好好呀, 我怡家好明白啦 ^^

回答 (2)

2009-02-12 7:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
英文翻譯 :
1. For display purposes these airlines have had their return fare halved to indicate a one way price
2. As you do at home
中文翻譯 :
a : 請問 xxx 點去 ?
Excuse me, may I know how I get to XXXX?
b: 你向前行 , 轉左 , 再直行 , 就會叫到果間商店系對面 , 你要過左天橋 , 咁就到啦 !
You just go straight (to the end),
turn left and walk straight again.
You will see the store right across a bridge.
Walk across it and you will be there.<----- 這句話實屬畫蛇添足,外國人會省掉。因為他們認為目的地已在眼前,有必要教問路者走過天橋嗎﹖
That's it. (You won't miss it.)
文法疑難 :
以下邊句先系正確 + ?
i haven't still chatted with you
i still haven't chatted with you

I still haven't chatted with you. <-----------Better

2009-02-13 01:16:08 補充:
another other

I have 2 bags. One is yellow and THE OTHER ( is) black. ( 講TWO BAGS)

May I have another 再一
cup of coffee? ( not two cups of coffee here)
參考: 886868886868686688
2009-02-12 5:54 am
1. 為了顯示出來給客人看,這些航空公司把他們來回機票價錢的半價來表示這個是單程票的價錢。
2. 就像你平常在家裡那樣做

a: Excuse me, how do I get to xxx?
b: You go straight from here, turn left, go straight again until you reach the fruit shop. Cross the bridge opposite to the shop and xxx should be there.

I still haven't chatted with you. 先正確
解釋: 我仲未同你傾過計。


2009-02-13 10:00:59 補充:
I'll explain the difference between 'other' and 'another' in a different way. Maybe you can understand the difference better~let me use the bag example whatiswhat24 used.

2009-02-13 10:01:27 補充:
A: Do you have any OTHER colours for this bag?
B: There are only two colours for this style. One of them is black, that's the one that you are holding on to, and the OTHER colour is white.
A: Can I have a look at the white one please?
B: Sure, here is a white one.

2009-02-13 10:01:35 補充:
A: Ok, I'll take the white one. Do you have ANOTHER one? The bottom of this bag is dirty.
B: How about this one?
A: This is perfect, thank you.
In this case, the difference is:
OTHER means 其他
ANOTHER means 另一個
參考: Myself..., Myself..., Myself..., Myself...

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