
2009-02-12 3:58 am

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2009-02-12 4:55 am
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1) Bake(烘,烤...通常係用oven) – To cook in the oven. The terms baking and roasting are often used interchangeably, but roasting usually implies cooking at a higher temperature—at least at the beginning—to get the surface of the foods to brown.

2) Barbecue(烤爐炙烤) – A cooking method involving grilling food over a wood or charcoal fire. Usually some sort of rub, marinade, or sauce is brushed on the item before or during cooking.

3) Boil(滾, 翻滾) – To cook in water or other liquid heated until bubbling vigorously. Boiling is, in fact, often a technique to be avoided.

4) Braise(煮, 以文火燉煮) – To cook in a small amount of liquid (also called stewing or pot roasting). In contract to poaching, in which the food is completely submerged in simmering liquid, braised dishes use a relatively small amount of liquid.

5) Broil(烤,炙;灼熱) – To cook with a direct heat source—usually a gas flame or an electric coil—above the food.

6) Deep-fry(油炸) – To cook completely submerged in hot oil.

7) Fry(油煎,油炸,油炒) – To cook in a hot fat.

8) Grill(烤, 通常用烤架烤) – To cook above the heat source (traditionally over wood coals) in the open air.

9) Grind(磨碎) – To pass meats or nuts through a grinder or a food processor to reduce to small pieces.

10) Mix(混和, 混合) – To combine ingredients by hand or with a mixer with the goal of blending them well and uniformly together.

11) Panfry(煎, 通常用平底煎鍋)– Most cooks use the terms panfry and fry interchangeably, but strictly speaking, there is a difference. Although both terms refer to cooking in a small amount of hot oil, butter, or other fat, "fry" means to toss foods over high heat, while "pan-frying" describes cooking pieces of meat, seafood, or large pieces of vegetables in a hot pan, turning with tongs, a spatula, or a fork only once or twice.

12) Parboil(先煮成半熟) – To cook partially in boiling water.

2009-02-11 20:56:33 補充:
13) Roast(烤得使變熱(或燙),烘暖) – to create a golden brown crust on whatever it is we are roasting. When roasting, no liquid such as broth, wine, or water comes in contact with the food—only hot air, or, if the roast is being basted, hot fat.

2009-02-11 20:57:31 補充:
14) Steam(蒸) – To cook in steam by suspending foods over (not in) boiling water, in a covered pot or steamer.
15)Stew(用文火煮,燉,燜 )– A cooking method nearly identical to braising but generally involving smaller pieces of meat, and hence a shorter cooking time.

2009-02-11 20:57:47 補充:
16) Stir-fry(炒) – Chinese technique of cooking think slivers of meat, shellfish, and vegetables in hot oil.
17) Whip(攪打) – To beat a preparation with the goal of introducing air into it. Or, the balloon wire whisk often used to do so.

2009-02-11 20:57:55 補充:
你會發覺有好多翻譯成中文好似一樣....但係其實佢地嘅煮法唔係一樣架~.....你要留意下 ^_^
By the way, there are probably more that I can't think of at this moment.
I hope it will help anyway~ =D
參考: 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗

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