Pure Math Tangent

2009-02-12 1:35 am
The eqt. of a parabola is x^2-4y=0
1. A(2t,t^2) is a point on the parabola
2. the eqt. of the tangent to the parabola at pointA is tx-y-t^2=0
3. The coordinates of point B at which the tangent in (2) cuts the
y-axis is (0,-t^2)
4. the x-axis bisects AB

If the tangent in (2) is equally inclined to the coordinate axes, find the point of contact of the tangent.

The ans. is (2,1) (-2,t)
But how to do le??

tan (inclined to the y axis)=t/t^2=1/t and tan (inclined to the x axis)= (t^2-0)/(2t-t)=t 唔明呀~

回答 (1)

2009-02-12 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
From the details we have the mid-point of AB is (t,0)
So tan (inclined to the y axis)=t/t^2=1/t and tan (inclined to the x axis)=(t^2-0)/(2t-t)=t
We have t=1/t=>t=1
So A(2,1) is the point of contact of the tangent.

2009-02-11 18:53:04 補充:
畫張圖﹐再用tan(inclined to the x axis or y axis)=斜率
參考: Handbook of applicable mathematics v.5, pt.A-B. Combinatorics and geometry

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