✔ 最佳答案
你可以用 "Bad memory"形容D人冇記性 ...又或者你可以用 "Primary memory" or "Forgetful"
你都可以用"Short term memory"形容D人冇記性架....不過意思就係"短暫記憶"...
外國潮語(潮流語言), 我地通常會用 "dorified "形容D人冇記性....
For example:
"John is so dorified. He forgets EVERYTHING!"
P.S.潮語只可以用起對話上, 記得唔好用起寫文章上 ^_^
2) 大頭蝦英文係咩??
你可以用 "Careless"形容D人大頭蝦 ...又或者你可以用 "Unreliable person"
外國潮語(潮流語言), 我地通常會用 "Flake" and "Clutz" 形容D人大頭蝦 ....
For example:
"Mary said she would do the research for our project, but it's been a week and she hasn't done a thing. She's such a flake/clutz. "
3) 失魂魚英文係咩???
你可以用 "Soulless"形容D人係失魂魚 ...又或者你可以用 "lost soul"
外國潮語(潮流語言), 我地通常會用 "Stoner" 形容D人係失魂魚
For example:
Ann: "Tom, where are you going?"
Tom: "I'm going to school, duh~"
Ann: "Today is Sunday!"
Tom: "Oh~"
Ann: "You are such a stoner."
Hope it helps ~ =D
參考: 自己..... 10 幾年在加拿大生活所得的經驗