Greatest common factor of (42x^2)-7x-7?

2009-02-11 7:14 am
what is the GCF of (42x^2)-7x-7?

回答 (5)

2009-02-11 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
(42x^2)-7x-7=7(6x^2-x-1) GCF IS 7 answer//
2009-02-11 10:07 am
42x^2 - 7x - 7
= 7(6x^2 - x - 1)
(GCF: 7)
2009-02-11 7:22 am
7(6x^2 -x -1)
2009-02-11 7:20 am
2009-02-11 7:19 am
wouldn't the greatest common factor be 7

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