請幫忙睇下編英文 - 想多謝朋友禮卷比BABY

2009-02-11 12:12 am
I want to say thank you so much for the gift coupon for my baby. It seems like there's so much to buy when have a baby, and this will definitely help! Tks lot!!

Attached is my baby’s picture, she is called “ANNA”, I wish that to have a chance to introduce her to you in the future.

Again, wish you all the best in 2009!!

回答 (4)

2009-02-11 2:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear XXXX,
(How have you been lately?) ( How are you doing?)

I would like to thank you so much for giving my baby the gift coupon.

It seems to me that parents will have to buy loads of things when they have a baby. I must say that your gift is amazing! Thanks once again.

Attached is my baby's photo. Her name is " Anna". I hope that I will soon have the chance to introduce her to you( in the future).

Wishing you(guys) all the best in 2009!!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


1) To thank someone for giving( verb+ing) XXXX something

2) Her name is xxxxx ( more natural this way)

3) I hope ( that) clause here<-----------------

( You have misused the verb" wish" here.)

4) Anna <----------------- not ANNA

That's it.

Do send me your baby's pic too! Just kidding ! O_O

參考: 6868868686868686868686
2009-02-11 2:16 am
Please accept my million thanks for the gift coupon given to my baby. In fact, there are so many things to be bought when having a baby. Your gift has greatly benefited us! Thanks a lot!
Attached please find a picture of my baby whose name is "Anna". Gonna show her to you some time in the future.
Wish you all the best in 2009.
Warmest regards,

2009-02-11 08:46:06 補充:
Gonna -

2009-02-11 08:46:23 補充:
【美】【口】=going to
2009-02-11 12:38 am
I want to express my thanks for the gift coupon you have given to my baby. It seems like there's so many things needed to buy when having a baby, and this will definitely help. Many thanks again.
Attached is my baby's picture, and her name is "Anna." I wish I would have the chance to introudce her to you in the future.
Wish you all the Best in 2009!

2009-02-10 16:39:08 補充:
Should be there ARE so many things needed to buy......
2009-02-11 12:23 am
sorry , I don't know.

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