
2009-02-10 7:29 pm

回答 (6)

2009-02-11 12:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
【終於找到一個珍惜我的人】英文點講? <-- Missing subject here!


我( subject)終於找到一個珍惜我的人

You should write this sentence with present perfect tense.

I have ultimately( finally/eventually) found someone who cherishes me.

I have ultimately( finally/eventually) found someone who treats me like a queen.

That's it.


2009-02-11 04:32:43 補充:
I have ultimately( finally/eventually) found someone who treats me like a king/ queen.
2009-02-10 10:21 pm
Eventually, I've found the one who really cherished me.
參考: Own
2009-02-10 10:13 pm
Finally I find one who treasures me
2009-02-10 8:58 pm
" Finally found someone who cherished me "
雖然 "cherish" 跟 "treasure" 都解作 "珍惜, 但 前者多用於對人, 而後者多用於對物.
因已找到, 所以全句用過去式.
另外, 由於要表示經過一段長時間才做到, 用 "finally" 非常合適. 如要加 "我" 的話, 多會把 "I" 加在 "finally" 前面而不是後面.
2009-02-10 7:32 pm
Finally found someone who treasures me.
參考: myself
2009-02-10 7:32 pm
Finally found a person you cherish

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