美國的消費稅 (sale tax)

2009-02-10 9:08 am
有無人知各地的 sale tax?? 我找到呢個web site, 但唔 sure update or not. anybody knows???


因為我見有網友話 nyc , pa 的 sale tax 分別係 8.xx 及 6, 但呢個web site 話 4, 6. 所以想問問呢個 web site update ma???

另外, 我想問問係咩 conditions visitors 可以 refund tax? 有無話一定要 shop at the same day, same shop, over a certain amount?? 仲有一定要 within 幾耐去退?? nyc?? pa?? dc??

而買少過幾多 錢又係 tax free 呢?? nyc?? pa?? dc??

回答 (3)

2009-02-10 3:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Here is the most updated list for sale tax:




All the versions are corrected because usually local government, like counties, cities and town, like to add a small portion to increase revenue. So the smaller one is the state portion and the larger one is the total sale tax.

Sale tax is only refundable when the transaction has been reversed, which means you have returned the item. The United States has no problem for visitor to refund.

2009-02-17 08:29:43 補充:
I mean has no policy, not no problem.
2009-02-13 10:34 am
Hi, I think ur website is outdated.
I'm living in PA, the tax is 6% - 7% depending on which city u spend. there is no tax on any shoes and clothing in my city, Philadelaphia. so u are better to buy all clothing and shoes here. If I don't forget wrong, around 8-9% tax in NYC, clothing and shoes are also need to pay the tax.
參考: living in usa
2009-02-10 9:16 pm
USA 無 sales tax refund.

The exact sales tax you pay depends on your present location. Usually the state, county and the city will each charge a certain rate.

If you don't want to pay sales tax, go shopping at the sales-tax-free states: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon

Or try online mail order and have the items shipped to where you are.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 19:01:37
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